/** * @license Highcharts JS v9.1.1 (2021-06-04) * * Old IE (v6, v7, v8) module for Highcharts v6+. * * (c) 2010-2021 Highsoft AS * Author: Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ 'use strict'; (function (factory) { if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { factory['default'] = factory; module.exports = factory; } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('highcharts/modules/oldie', ['highcharts'], function (Highcharts) { factory(Highcharts); factory.Highcharts = Highcharts; return factory; }); } else { factory(typeof Highcharts !== 'undefined' ? Highcharts : undefined); } }(function (Highcharts) { var _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {}; function _registerModule(obj, path, args, fn) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) { obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args); } } _registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Oldie/VMLAxis3D.js', [_modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (U) { /* * * * (c) 2010-2021 Torstein Honsi * * Extension to the VML Renderer * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ var addEvent = U.addEvent; /* * * * Class * * */ /* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */ var VMLAxis3DAdditions = /** @class */ (function () { /* * * * Constructors * * */ function VMLAxis3DAdditions(axis) { this.axis = axis; } return VMLAxis3DAdditions; }()); var VMLAxis3D = /** @class */ (function () { function VMLAxis3D() { } /* * * * Static Properties * * */ VMLAxis3D.compose = function (AxisClass) { AxisClass.keepProps.push('vml'); addEvent(AxisClass, 'destroy', VMLAxis3D.onDestroy); addEvent(AxisClass, 'init', VMLAxis3D.onInit); addEvent(AxisClass, 'render', VMLAxis3D.onRender); }; /** * @private */ VMLAxis3D.onDestroy = function () { var axis = this, vml = axis.vml; if (vml) { var el_1; ['backFrame', 'bottomFrame', 'sideFrame'].forEach(function (prop) { el_1 = vml[prop]; if (el_1) { vml[prop] = el_1.destroy(); } }, this); } }; /** * @private */ VMLAxis3D.onInit = function () { var axis = this; if (!axis.vml) { axis.vml = new VMLAxis3DAdditions(axis); } }; /** * @private */ VMLAxis3D.onRender = function () { var axis = this; var vml = axis.vml; // VML doesn't support a negative z-index if (vml.sideFrame) { vml.sideFrame.css({ zIndex: 0 }); vml.sideFrame.front.attr({ fill: vml.sideFrame.color }); } if (vml.bottomFrame) { vml.bottomFrame.css({ zIndex: 1 }); vml.bottomFrame.front.attr({ fill: vml.bottomFrame.color }); } if (vml.backFrame) { vml.backFrame.css({ zIndex: 0 }); vml.backFrame.front.attr({ fill: vml.backFrame.color }); } }; return VMLAxis3D; }()); return VMLAxis3D; }); _registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Oldie/VMLRenderer3D.js', [_modules['Core/Axis/Axis.js'], _modules['Core/DefaultOptions.js'], _modules['Extensions/Oldie/VMLAxis3D.js']], function (Axis, D, VMLAxis3D) { /* * * * (c) 2010-2021 Torstein Honsi * * Extension to the VML Renderer * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ var setOptions = D.setOptions; var VMLRenderer3D = /** @class */ (function () { function VMLRenderer3D() { } /* * * * Static Properties * * */ VMLRenderer3D.compose = function (vmlClass, svgClass) { var svgProto = svgClass.prototype; var vmlProto = vmlClass.prototype; setOptions({ animate: false }); vmlProto.face3d = svgProto.face3d; vmlProto.polyhedron = svgProto.polyhedron; vmlProto.elements3d = svgProto.elements3d; vmlProto.element3d = svgProto.element3d; vmlProto.cuboid = svgProto.cuboid; vmlProto.cuboidPath = svgProto.cuboidPath; vmlProto.toLinePath = svgProto.toLinePath; vmlProto.toLineSegments = svgProto.toLineSegments; vmlProto.arc3d = function (shapeArgs) { var result = svgProto.arc3d.call(this, shapeArgs); result.css({ zIndex: result.zIndex }); return result; }; vmlProto.arc3dPath = svgProto.arc3dPath; VMLAxis3D.compose(Axis); }; return VMLRenderer3D; }()); return VMLRenderer3D; }); _registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Oldie/Oldie.js', [_modules['Core/Chart/Chart.js'], _modules['Core/Color/Color.js'], _modules['Core/Globals.js'], _modules['Core/DefaultOptions.js'], _modules['Core/Color/Palette.js'], _modules['Core/Pointer.js'], _modules['Core/Renderer/RendererRegistry.js'], _modules['Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGElement.js'], _modules['Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js'], _modules['Extensions/Oldie/VMLRenderer3D.js']], function (Chart, Color, H, D, palette, Pointer, RendererRegistry, SVGElement, SVGRenderer, U, VMLRenderer3D) { /* * * * (c) 2010-2021 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * Support for old IE browsers (6, 7 and 8) in Highcharts v6+. * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ var color = Color.parse; var deg2rad = H.deg2rad, doc = H.doc, noop = H.noop, svg = H.svg, win = H.win; var getOptions = D.getOptions; var addEvent = U.addEvent, createElement = U.createElement, css = U.css, defined = U.defined, discardElement = U.discardElement, erase = U.erase, extend = U.extend, extendClass = U.extendClass, isArray = U.isArray, isNumber = U.isNumber, isObject = U.isObject, pick = U.pick, pInt = U.pInt, uniqueKey = U.uniqueKey; var VMLRenderer, VMLElement; /** * Path to the pattern image required by VML browsers in order to * draw radial gradients. * * @type {string} * @default http://code.highcharts.com/{version}/gfx/vml-radial-gradient.png * @since 2.3.0 * @requires modules/oldie * @apioption global.VMLRadialGradientURL */ getOptions().global.VMLRadialGradientURL = 'http://code.highcharts.com/9.1.1/gfx/vml-radial-gradient.png'; // Utilites if (doc && !doc.defaultView) { H.getStyle = U.getStyle = function getStyle(el, prop) { var val, alias = { width: 'clientWidth', height: 'clientHeight' }[prop]; if (el.style[prop]) { return pInt(el.style[prop]); } if (prop === 'opacity') { prop = 'filter'; } // Getting the rendered width and height if (alias) { el.style.zoom = 1; return Math.max(el[alias] - 2 * getStyle(el, 'padding'), 0); } val = el.currentStyle[prop.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (a, b) { return b.toUpperCase(); })]; if (prop === 'filter') { val = val.replace(/alpha\(opacity=([0-9]+)\)/, function (a, b) { return (b / 100); }); } return val === '' ? 1 : pInt(val); }; } /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */ if (!svg) { // Prevent wrapping from creating false offsetWidths in export in legacy IE. // This applies only to charts for export, where IE runs the SVGRenderer // instead of the VMLRenderer // (#1079, #1063) addEvent(SVGElement, 'afterInit', function () { if (this.element.nodeName === 'text') { this.css({ position: 'absolute' }); } }); /** * Old IE override for pointer normalize, adds chartX and chartY to event * arguments. * * @ignore * @function Highcharts.Pointer#normalize * @param {global.PointerEvent} e * @param {boolean} [chartPosition=false] * @return {Highcharts.PointerEventObject} */ Pointer.prototype.normalize = function (e, chartPosition) { e = e || win.event; if (!e.target) { e.target = e.srcElement; } // Get mouse position if (!chartPosition) { this.chartPosition = chartPosition = this.getChartPosition(); } return extend(e, { // #2005, #2129: the second case is for IE10 quirks mode within // framesets chartX: Math.round(Math.max(e.x, e.clientX - chartPosition.left)), chartY: Math.round(e.y) }); }; /** * Further sanitize the mock-SVG that is generated when exporting charts in * oldIE. * * @private * @function Highcharts.Chart#ieSanitizeSVG */ Chart.prototype.ieSanitizeSVG = function (svg) { svg = svg .replace(//g, '<$1title>') .replace(/height=([^" ]+)/g, 'height="$1"') .replace(/width=([^" ]+)/g, 'width="$1"') .replace(/hc-svg-href="([^"]+)">/g, 'xlink:href="$1"/>') .replace(/ id=([^" >]+)/g, ' id="$1"') // #4003 .replace(/class=([^" >]+)/g, 'class="$1"') .replace(/ transform /g, ' ') .replace(/:(path|rect)/g, '$1') .replace(/style="([^"]+)"/g, function (s) { return s.toLowerCase(); }); return svg; }; /** * VML namespaces can't be added until after complete. Listening * for Perini's doScroll hack is not enough. * * @private * @function Highcharts.Chart#isReadyToRender */ Chart.prototype.isReadyToRender = function () { var chart = this; // Note: win == win.top is required if (!svg && (win == win.top && // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq doc.readyState !== 'complete')) { doc.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function () { doc.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', chart.firstRender); if (doc.readyState === 'complete') { chart.firstRender(); } }); return false; } return true; }; // IE compatibility hack for generating SVG content that it doesn't really // understand. Used by the exporting module. if (!doc.createElementNS) { doc.createElementNS = function (ns, tagName) { return doc.createElement(tagName); }; } /** * Old IE polyfill for addEventListener, called from inside the addEvent * function. * * @private * @function Highcharts.addEventListenerPolyfill * @param {string} type * @param {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction} fn * @return {void} */ H.addEventListenerPolyfill = function (type, fn) { var el = this; /** * @private */ function wrappedFn(e) { e.target = e.srcElement || win; // #2820 fn.call(el, e); } if (el.attachEvent) { if (!el.hcEventsIE) { el.hcEventsIE = {}; } // unique function string (#6746) if (!fn.hcKey) { fn.hcKey = uniqueKey(); } // Link wrapped fn with original fn, so we can get this in // removeEvent el.hcEventsIE[fn.hcKey] = wrappedFn; el.attachEvent('on' + type, wrappedFn); } }; /** * @private * @function Highcharts.removeEventListenerPolyfill * @param {string} type * @param {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction} fn * @return {void} */ H.removeEventListenerPolyfill = function (type, fn) { if (this.detachEvent) { fn = this.hcEventsIE[fn.hcKey]; this.detachEvent('on' + type, fn); } }; /** * The VML element wrapper. * * @private * @class * @name Highcharts.VMLElement * * @augments Highcharts.SVGElement */ VMLElement = { docMode8: doc && doc.documentMode === 8, /** * Initialize a new VML element wrapper. It builds the markup as a * string to minimize DOM traffic. * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#init * @param {Highcharts.VMLRenderer} renderer * @param {string} nodeName */ init: function (renderer, nodeName) { var wrapper = this, markup = ['<', nodeName, ' filled="f" stroked="f"'], style = ['position: ', 'absolute', ';'], isDiv = nodeName === 'div'; // divs and shapes need size if (nodeName === 'shape' || isDiv) { style.push('left:0;top:0;width:1px;height:1px;'); } style.push('visibility: ', isDiv ? 'hidden' : 'visible'); markup.push(' style="', style.join(''), '"/>'); // create element with default attributes and style if (nodeName) { markup = isDiv || nodeName === 'span' || nodeName === 'img' ? markup.join('') : renderer.prepVML(markup); wrapper.element = createElement(markup); } wrapper.renderer = renderer; }, /** * Add the node to the given parent * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement * @param {Highcharts.VMLElement} parent * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ add: function (parent) { var wrapper = this, renderer = wrapper.renderer, element = wrapper.element, box = renderer.box, inverted = parent && parent.inverted, // get the parent node parentNode = parent ? parent.element || parent : box; if (parent) { this.parentGroup = parent; } // if the parent group is inverted, apply inversion on all children if (inverted) { // only on groups renderer.invertChild(element, parentNode); } // append it parentNode.appendChild(element); // align text after adding to be able to read offset wrapper.added = true; if (wrapper.alignOnAdd && !wrapper.deferUpdateTransform) { wrapper.updateTransform(); } // fire an event for internal hooks if (wrapper.onAdd) { wrapper.onAdd(); } // IE8 Standards can't set the class name before the element is // appended if (this.className) { this.attr('class', this.className); } return wrapper; }, /** * VML always uses htmlUpdateTransform * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#updateTransform */ updateTransform: SVGElement.prototype.htmlUpdateTransform, /** * Set the rotation of a span with oldIE's filter * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#setSpanRotation * @return {void} */ setSpanRotation: function () { // Adjust for alignment and rotation. Rotation of useHTML content is // not yet implemented but it can probably be implemented for // Firefox 3.5+ on user request. FF3.5+ has support for CSS3 // transform. The getBBox method also needs to be updated to // compensate for the rotation, like it currently does for SVG. // Test case: https://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/Ybt44/ var rotation = this.rotation, costheta = Math.cos(rotation * deg2rad), sintheta = Math.sin(rotation * deg2rad); css(this.element, { filter: rotation ? [ 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=', costheta, ', M12=', -sintheta, ', M21=', sintheta, ', M22=', costheta, ', sizingMethod=\'auto expand\')' ].join('') : 'none' }); }, /** * Get the positioning correction for the span after rotating. * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#getSpanCorrection */ getSpanCorrection: function (width, baseline, alignCorrection, rotation, align) { var costheta = rotation ? Math.cos(rotation * deg2rad) : 1, sintheta = rotation ? Math.sin(rotation * deg2rad) : 0, height = pick(this.elemHeight, this.element.offsetHeight), quad, nonLeft = align && align !== 'left'; // correct x and y this.xCorr = (costheta < 0 && -width); this.yCorr = (sintheta < 0 && -height); // correct for baseline and corners spilling out after rotation quad = costheta * sintheta < 0; this.xCorr += (sintheta * baseline * (quad ? 1 - alignCorrection : alignCorrection)); this.yCorr -= (costheta * baseline * (rotation ? (quad ? alignCorrection : 1 - alignCorrection) : 1)); // correct for the length/height of the text if (nonLeft) { this.xCorr -= width * alignCorrection * (costheta < 0 ? -1 : 1); if (rotation) { this.yCorr -= (height * alignCorrection * (sintheta < 0 ? -1 : 1)); } css(this.element, { textAlign: align }); } }, /** * Converts a subset of an SVG path definition to its VML counterpart. * Takes an array as the parameter and returns a string. * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#pathToVML */ pathToVML: function (value) { // convert paths var i = value.length, path = []; while (i--) { // Multiply by 10 to allow subpixel precision. // Substracting half a pixel seems to make the coordinates // align with SVG, but this hasn't been tested thoroughly if (isNumber(value[i])) { path[i] = Math.round(value[i] * 10) - 5; } else if (value[i] === 'Z') { // close the path path[i] = 'x'; } else { path[i] = value[i]; // When the start X and end X coordinates of an arc are too // close, they are rounded to the same value above. In this // case, substract or add 1 from the end X and Y positions. // #186, #760, #1371, #1410. if (value.isArc && (value[i] === 'wa' || value[i] === 'at')) { // Start and end X if (path[i + 5] === path[i + 7]) { path[i + 7] += value[i + 7] > value[i + 5] ? 1 : -1; } // Start and end Y if (path[i + 6] === path[i + 8]) { path[i + 8] += value[i + 8] > value[i + 6] ? 1 : -1; } } } } return path.join(' ') || 'x'; }, /** * Set the element's clipping to a predefined rectangle * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#clip * @param {Highcharts.VMLClipRectObject} clipRect * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ clip: function (clipRect) { var wrapper = this, clipMembers, cssRet; if (clipRect) { clipMembers = clipRect.members; // Ensure unique list of elements (#1258) erase(clipMembers, wrapper); clipMembers.push(wrapper); wrapper.destroyClip = function () { erase(clipMembers, wrapper); }; cssRet = clipRect.getCSS(wrapper); } else { if (wrapper.destroyClip) { wrapper.destroyClip(); } cssRet = { clip: wrapper.docMode8 ? 'inherit' : 'rect(auto)' }; // #1214 } return wrapper.css(cssRet); }, /** * Set styles for the element * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#css * @param {Highcharts.CSSObject} styles * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ css: SVGElement.prototype.htmlCss, /** * Removes a child either by removeChild or move to garbageBin. * Issue 490; in VML removeChild results in Orphaned nodes according to * sIEve, discardElement does not. * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#safeRemoveChild * @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} element * @return {void} */ safeRemoveChild: function (element) { // discardElement will detach the node from its parent before // attaching it to the garbage bin. Therefore it is important that // the node is attached and have parent. if (element.parentNode) { discardElement(element); } }, /** * Extend element.destroy by removing it from the clip members array * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#destroy */ destroy: function () { if (this.destroyClip) { this.destroyClip(); } return SVGElement.prototype.destroy.apply(this); }, /** * Add an event listener. VML override for normalizing event parameters. * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#on * @param {string} eventType * @param {Function} handler * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ on: function (eventType, handler) { // simplest possible event model for internal use this.element['on' + eventType] = function () { var e = win.event; e.target = e.srcElement; handler(e); }; return this; }, /** * In stacked columns, cut off the shadows so that they don't overlap * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#cutOffPath * @param {string} path * @param {number} length * @return {string} */ cutOffPath: function (path, length) { var len; // The extra comma tricks the trailing comma remover in // "gulp scripts" task path = path.split(/[ ,]/); len = path.length; if (len === 9 || len === 11) { path[len - 4] = path[len - 2] = pInt(path[len - 2]) - 10 * length; } return path.join(' '); }, /** * Apply a drop shadow by copying elements and giving them different * strokes. * * @function Highcharts.VMLElement#shadow * @param {Highcharts.ShadowOptionsObject} shadowOptions * @param {Highcharts.VMLElement} group * @param {boolean} cutOff * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ shadow: function (shadowOptions, group, cutOff) { var shadows = [], i, element = this.element, renderer = this.renderer, shadow, elemStyle = element.style, markup, path = element.path, strokeWidth, modifiedPath, shadowWidth, shadowElementOpacity; // some times empty paths are not strings if (path && typeof path.value !== 'string') { path = 'x'; } modifiedPath = path; if (shadowOptions) { shadowWidth = pick(shadowOptions.width, 3); shadowElementOpacity = (shadowOptions.opacity || 0.15) / shadowWidth; for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { strokeWidth = (shadowWidth * 2) + 1 - (2 * i); // Cut off shadows for stacked column items if (cutOff) { modifiedPath = this.cutOffPath(path.value, strokeWidth + 0.5); } markup = [ '' ]; shadow = createElement(renderer.prepVML(markup), null, { left: (pInt(elemStyle.left) + pick(shadowOptions.offsetX, 1)) + 'px', top: (pInt(elemStyle.top) + pick(shadowOptions.offsetY, 1)) + 'px' }); if (cutOff) { shadow.cutOff = strokeWidth + 1; } // apply the opacity markup = [ '' ]; createElement(renderer.prepVML(markup), null, null, shadow); // insert it if (group) { group.element.appendChild(shadow); } else { element.parentNode .insertBefore(shadow, element); } // record it shadows.push(shadow); } this.shadows = shadows; } return this; }, updateShadows: noop, setAttr: function (key, value) { if (this.docMode8) { // IE8 setAttribute bug this.element[key] = value; } else { this.element.setAttribute(key, value); } }, getAttr: function (key) { if (this.docMode8) { // IE8 setAttribute bug return this.element[key]; } return this.element.getAttribute(key); }, classSetter: function (value) { // IE8 Standards mode has problems retrieving the className unless // set like this. IE8 Standards can't set the class name before the // element is appended. (this.added ? this.element : this).className = value; }, dashstyleSetter: function (value, key, element) { var strokeElem = element.getElementsByTagName('stroke')[0] || createElement(this.renderer.prepVML(['']), null, null, element); strokeElem[key] = value || 'solid'; // Because changing stroke-width will change the dash length and // cause an epileptic effect this[key] = value; }, dSetter: function (value, key, element) { var i, shadows = this.shadows; value = value || []; // Used in getter for animation this.d = value.join && value.join(' '); element.path = value = this.pathToVML(value); // update shadows if (shadows) { i = shadows.length; while (i--) { shadows[i].path = shadows[i].cutOff ? this.cutOffPath(value, shadows[i].cutOff) : value; } } this.setAttr(key, value); }, fillSetter: function (value, key, element) { var nodeName = element.nodeName; if (nodeName === 'SPAN') { // text color element.style.color = value; } else if (nodeName !== 'IMG') { // #1336 element.filled = value !== 'none'; this.setAttr('fillcolor', this.renderer.color(value, element, key, this)); } }, 'fill-opacitySetter': function (value, key, element) { createElement(this.renderer.prepVML(['<', key.split('-')[0], ' opacity="', value, '"/>']), null, null, element); }, // Don't bother - animation is too slow and filters introduce artifacts opacitySetter: noop, rotationSetter: function (value, key, element) { var style = element.style; // style is for #1873: this[key] = style[key] = value; // Correction for the 1x1 size of the shape container. Used in gauge // needles. style.left = -Math.round(Math.sin(value * deg2rad) + 1) + 'px'; style.top = Math.round(Math.cos(value * deg2rad)) + 'px'; }, strokeSetter: function (value, key, element) { this.setAttr('strokecolor', this.renderer.color(value, element, key, this)); }, 'stroke-widthSetter': function (value, key, element) { element.stroked = !!value; // VML "stroked" attribute this[key] = value; // used in getter, issue #113 if (isNumber(value)) { value += 'px'; } this.setAttr('strokeweight', value); }, titleSetter: function (value, key) { this.setAttr(key, value); }, visibilitySetter: function (value, key, element) { // Handle inherited visibility if (value === 'inherit') { value = 'visible'; } // Let the shadow follow the main element if (this.shadows) { this.shadows.forEach(function (shadow) { shadow.style[key] = value; }); } // Instead of toggling the visibility CSS property, move the div out // of the viewport. This works around #61 and #586 if (element.nodeName === 'DIV') { value = value === 'hidden' ? '-999em' : 0; // In order to redraw, IE7 needs the div to be visible when // tucked away outside the viewport. So the visibility is // actually opposite of the expected value. This applies to the // tooltip only. if (!this.docMode8) { element.style[key] = value ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; } key = 'top'; } element.style[key] = value; }, xSetter: function (value, key, element) { this[key] = value; // used in getter if (key === 'x') { key = 'left'; } else if (key === 'y') { key = 'top'; } // clipping rectangle special if (this.updateClipping) { // the key is now 'left' or 'top' for 'x' and 'y' this[key] = value; this.updateClipping(); } else { // normal element.style[key] = value; } }, zIndexSetter: function (value, key, element) { element.style[key] = value; }, fillGetter: function () { return this.getAttr('fillcolor') || ''; }, strokeGetter: function () { return this.getAttr('strokecolor') || ''; }, // #7850 classGetter: function () { return this.getAttr('className') || ''; } }; VMLElement['stroke-opacitySetter'] = VMLElement['fill-opacitySetter']; H.VMLElement = VMLElement = extendClass(SVGElement, VMLElement); // Some shared setters VMLElement.prototype.ySetter = VMLElement.prototype.widthSetter = VMLElement.prototype.heightSetter = VMLElement.prototype.xSetter; /** * The VML renderer * * @private * @class * @name Highcharts.VMLRenderer * * @augments Highcharts.SVGRenderer */ var VMLRendererExtension = { Element: VMLElement, isIE8: win.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 8.0') > -1, /** * Initialize the VMLRenderer. * * @function Highcharts.VMLRenderer#init * @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} container * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @return {void} */ init: function (container, width, height) { var renderer = this, boxWrapper, box, css; // Extended SVGRenderer member this.crispPolyLine = SVGRenderer.prototype.crispPolyLine; renderer.alignedObjects = []; boxWrapper = renderer.createElement('div') .css({ position: 'relative' }); box = boxWrapper.element; container.appendChild(boxWrapper.element); // generate the containing box renderer.isVML = true; renderer.box = box; renderer.boxWrapper = boxWrapper; renderer.gradients = {}; renderer.cache = {}; // Cache for numerical bounding boxes renderer.cacheKeys = []; renderer.imgCount = 0; renderer.setSize(width, height, false); // The only way to make IE6 and IE7 print is to use a global // namespace. However, with IE8 the only way to make the dynamic // shapes visible in screen and print mode seems to be to add the // xmlns attribute and the behaviour style inline. if (!doc.namespaces.hcv) { doc.namespaces.add('hcv', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml'); // Setup default CSS (#2153, #2368, #2384) css = 'hcv\\:fill, hcv\\:path, hcv\\:shape, hcv\\:stroke' + '{ behavior:url(#default#VML); display: inline-block; } '; try { doc.createStyleSheet().cssText = css; } catch (e) { doc.styleSheets[0].cssText += css; } } }, /** * Detect whether the renderer is hidden. This happens when one of the * parent elements has display: none * * @function Highcharts.VMLRenderer#isHidden */ isHidden: function () { return !this.box.offsetWidth; }, /** * Define a clipping rectangle. In VML it is accomplished by storing the * values for setting the CSS style to all associated members. * * @function Highcharts.VMLRenderer#clipRect * @param {number|Highcharts.SizeObject} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ clipRect: function (x, y, width, height) { // create a dummy element var clipRect = this.createElement(), isObj = isObject(x); // mimic a rectangle with its style object for automatic updating in // attr return extend(clipRect, { members: [], count: 0, left: (isObj ? x.x : x) + 1, top: (isObj ? x.y : y) + 1, width: (isObj ? x.width : width) - 1, height: (isObj ? x.height : height) - 1, getCSS: function (wrapper) { var element = wrapper.element, nodeName = element.nodeName, isShape = nodeName === 'shape', inverted = wrapper.inverted, rect = this, top = rect.top - (isShape ? element.offsetTop : 0), left = rect.left, right = left + rect.width, bottom = top + rect.height, ret = { clip: 'rect(' + Math.round(inverted ? left : top) + 'px,' + Math.round(inverted ? bottom : right) + 'px,' + Math.round(inverted ? right : bottom) + 'px,' + Math.round(inverted ? top : left) + 'px)' }; // issue 74 workaround if (!inverted && wrapper.docMode8 && nodeName === 'DIV') { extend(ret, { width: right + 'px', height: bottom + 'px' }); } return ret; }, // used in attr and animation to update the clipping of all // members updateClipping: function () { clipRect.members.forEach(function (member) { // Member.element is falsy on deleted series, like in // stock/members/series-remove demo. Should be removed // from members, but this will do. if (member.element) { member.css(clipRect.getCSS(member)); } }); } }); }, /** * Take a color and return it if it's a string, make it a gradient if * it's a gradient configuration object, and apply opacity. * * @function Highcharts.VMLRenderer#color * * @param {T} color * The color or config object * * @return {T} */ color: function (colorOption, elem, prop, wrapper) { var renderer = this, colorObject, regexRgba = /^rgba/, markup, fillType, ret = 'none'; // Check for linear or radial gradient if (colorOption && colorOption.linearGradient) { fillType = 'gradient'; } else if (colorOption && colorOption.radialGradient) { fillType = 'pattern'; } if (fillType) { var stopColor_1, stopOpacity_1, gradient = (colorOption.linearGradient || colorOption.radialGradient), x1 = void 0, y1 = void 0, x2 = void 0, y2 = void 0, opacity1_1, opacity2_1, color1_1, color2_1, fillAttr_1 = '', stops = colorOption.stops, firstStop = void 0, lastStop = void 0, colors_1 = [], addFillNode_1 = function () { // Add the fill subnode. When colors attribute is used, // the meanings of opacity and o:opacity2 are reversed. markup = ['']; createElement(renderer.prepVML(markup), null, null, elem); }; // Extend from 0 to 1 firstStop = stops[0]; lastStop = stops[stops.length - 1]; if (firstStop[0] > 0) { stops.unshift([ 0, firstStop[1] ]); } if (lastStop[0] < 1) { stops.push([ 1, lastStop[1] ]); } // Compute the stops stops.forEach(function (stop, i) { if (regexRgba.test(stop[1])) { colorObject = color(stop[1]); stopColor_1 = colorObject.get('rgb'); stopOpacity_1 = colorObject.get('a'); } else { stopColor_1 = stop[1]; stopOpacity_1 = 1; } // Build the color attribute colors_1.push((stop[0] * 100) + '% ' + stopColor_1); // Only start and end opacities are allowed, so we use the // first and the last if (!i) { opacity1_1 = stopOpacity_1; color2_1 = stopColor_1; } else { opacity2_1 = stopOpacity_1; color1_1 = stopColor_1; } }); // Apply the gradient to fills only. if (prop === 'fill') { // Handle linear gradient angle if (fillType === 'gradient') { x1 = gradient.x1 || gradient[0] || 0; y1 = gradient.y1 || gradient[1] || 0; x2 = gradient.x2 || gradient[2] || 0; y2 = gradient.y2 || gradient[3] || 0; fillAttr_1 = 'angle="' + (90 - Math.atan((y2 - y1) / // y vector (x2 - x1) // x vector ) * 180 / Math.PI) + '"'; addFillNode_1(); // Radial (circular) gradient } else { var r = gradient.r, sizex_1 = r * 2, sizey_1 = r * 2, cx_1 = gradient.cx, cy_1 = gradient.cy, radialReference_1 = elem.radialReference, bBox_1, applyRadialGradient = function () { if (radialReference_1) { bBox_1 = wrapper.getBBox(); cx_1 += (radialReference_1[0] - bBox_1.x) / bBox_1.width - 0.5; cy_1 += (radialReference_1[1] - bBox_1.y) / bBox_1.height - 0.5; sizex_1 *= radialReference_1[2] / bBox_1.width; sizey_1 *= radialReference_1[2] / bBox_1.height; } fillAttr_1 = 'src="' + getOptions().global.VMLRadialGradientURL + '" ' + 'size="' + sizex_1 + ',' + sizey_1 + '" ' + 'origin="0.5,0.5" ' + 'position="' + cx_1 + ',' + cy_1 + '" ' + 'color2="' + color2_1 + '" '; addFillNode_1(); }; // Apply radial gradient if (wrapper.added) { applyRadialGradient(); } else { // We need to know the bounding box to get the size // and position right wrapper.onAdd = applyRadialGradient; } // The fill element's color attribute is broken in IE8 // standards mode, so we need to set the parent shape's // fillcolor attribute instead. ret = color1_1; } // Gradients are not supported for VML stroke, return the first // color. #722. } else { ret = stopColor_1; } // If the color is an rgba color, split it and add a fill node // to hold the opacity component } else if (regexRgba.test(colorOption) && elem.tagName !== 'IMG') { colorObject = color(colorOption); wrapper[prop + '-opacitySetter'](colorObject.get('a'), prop, elem); ret = colorObject.get('rgb'); } else { // 'stroke' or 'fill' node var propNodes = elem.getElementsByTagName(prop); if (propNodes.length) { propNodes[0].opacity = 1; propNodes[0].type = 'solid'; } ret = colorOption; } return ret; }, /** * Take a VML string and prepare it for either IE8 or IE6/IE7. * * @function Highcharts.VMLRenderer#prepVML * * @param {Array<(number|string)>} markup * A string array of the VML markup to prepare * * @return {string} */ prepVML: function (markup) { var vmlStyle = 'display:inline-block;behavior:url(#default#VML);', isIE8 = this.isIE8; markup = markup.join(''); if (isIE8) { // add xmlns and style inline markup = markup.replace('/>', ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />'); if (markup.indexOf('style="') === -1) { markup = markup.replace('/>', ' style="' + vmlStyle + '" />'); } else { markup = markup.replace('style="', 'style="' + vmlStyle); } } else { // add namespace markup = markup.replace('<', '} x * @param {number} [y] * @param {number} [r] * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ circle: function (x, y, r) { var circle = this.symbol('circle'); if (isObject(x)) { r = x.r; y = x.y; x = x.x; } circle.isCircle = true; // Causes x and y to mean center (#1682) circle.r = r; return circle.attr({ x: x, y: y }); }, /** * Create a group using an outer div and an inner v:group to allow * rotating and flipping. A simple v:group would have problems with * positioning child HTML elements and CSS clip. * * @function Highcharts.VMLRenderer#g * * @param {string} name * The name of the group * * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ g: function (name) { var wrapper, attribs; // set the class name if (name) { attribs = { 'className': 'highcharts-' + name, 'class': 'highcharts-' + name }; } // the div to hold HTML and clipping wrapper = this.createElement('div').attr(attribs); return wrapper; }, /** * VML override to create a regular HTML image. * * @function Highcharts.VMLRenderer#image * * @param {string} src * * @param {number} x * * @param {number} y * * @param {number} width * * @param {number} height * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ image: function (src, x, y, width, height) { var obj = this.createElement('img').attr({ src: src }); if (arguments.length > 1) { obj.attr({ x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height }); } return obj; }, /** * For rectangles, VML uses a shape for rect to overcome bugs and * rotation problems * * @function Highcharts.VMLRenderer#createElement * @param {string} nodeName * @return {Highcharts.VMLElement} */ createElement: function (nodeName) { return nodeName === 'rect' ? this.symbol(nodeName) : SVGRenderer.prototype.createElement.call(this, nodeName); }, /** * In the VML renderer, each child of an inverted div (group) is * inverted * * @function Highcharts.VMLRenderer#invertChild * * @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} element * * @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} parentNode */ invertChild: function (element, parentNode) { var ren = this, parentStyle = parentNode.style, imgStyle = element.tagName === 'IMG' && element.style; // #1111 css(element, { flip: 'x', left: (pInt(parentStyle.width) - (imgStyle ? pInt(imgStyle.top) : 1)) + 'px', top: (pInt(parentStyle.height) - (imgStyle ? pInt(imgStyle.left) : 1)) + 'px', rotation: -90 }); // Recursively invert child elements, needed for nested composite // shapes like box plots and error bars. #1680, #1806. [].forEach.call(element.childNodes, function (child) { ren.invertChild(child, element); }); }, /** * Symbol definitions that override the parent SVG renderer's symbols * * @name Highcharts.VMLRenderer#symbols * @type {Highcharts.Dictionary} */ symbols: { // VML specific arc function arc: function (x, y, w, h, options) { var start = options.start, end = options.end, radius = options.r || w || h, innerRadius = options.innerR, cosStart = Math.cos(start), sinStart = Math.sin(start), cosEnd = Math.cos(end), sinEnd = Math.sin(end), ret; if (end - start === 0) { // no angle, don't show it. return ['x']; } ret = [ 'wa', x - radius, y - radius, x + radius, y + radius, x + radius * cosStart, y + radius * sinStart, x + radius * cosEnd, y + radius * sinEnd // end y ]; if (options.open && !innerRadius) { ret.push('e', 'M', x, // - innerRadius, y // - innerRadius ); } ret.push('at', // anti clockwise arc to x - innerRadius, // left y - innerRadius, // top x + innerRadius, // right y + innerRadius, // bottom x + innerRadius * cosEnd, // start x y + innerRadius * sinEnd, // start y x + innerRadius * cosStart, // end x y + innerRadius * sinStart, // end y 'x', // finish path 'e' // close ); ret.isArc = true; return ret; }, // Add circle symbol path. This performs significantly faster than // v:oval. circle: function (x, y, w, h, wrapper) { if (wrapper && defined(wrapper.r)) { w = h = 2 * wrapper.r; } // Center correction, #1682 if (wrapper && wrapper.isCircle) { x -= w / 2; y -= h / 2; } // Return the path return [ 'wa', x, y, x + w, y + h, x + w, y + h / 2, x + w, y + h / 2, 'e' // close ]; }, /** * Add rectangle symbol path which eases rotation and omits arcsize * problems compared to the built-in VML roundrect shape. When * borders are not rounded, use the simpler square path, else use * the callout path without the arrow. */ rect: function (x, y, w, h, options) { return SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols[!defined(options) || !options.r ? 'square' : 'callout'].call(0, x, y, w, h, options); } } }; H.VMLRenderer = VMLRenderer = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; extend(VMLRenderer.prototype, SVGRenderer.prototype); extend(VMLRenderer.prototype, VMLRendererExtension); // general renderer RendererRegistry.registerRendererType('VMLRenderer', VMLRenderer, true); // 3D additions VMLRenderer3D.compose(VMLRenderer, SVGRenderer); } SVGRenderer.prototype.getSpanWidth = function (wrapper, tspan) { var renderer = this, bBox = wrapper.getBBox(true), actualWidth = bBox.width; // Old IE cannot measure the actualWidth for SVG elements (#2314) if (!svg && renderer.forExport) { actualWidth = renderer.measureSpanWidth(tspan.firstChild.data, wrapper.styles); } return actualWidth; }; // This method is used with exporting in old IE, when emulating SVG (see #2314) SVGRenderer.prototype.measureSpanWidth = function (text, styles) { var measuringSpan = doc.createElement('span'), offsetWidth, textNode = doc.createTextNode(text); measuringSpan.appendChild(textNode); css(measuringSpan, styles); this.box.appendChild(measuringSpan); offsetWidth = measuringSpan.offsetWidth; discardElement(measuringSpan); // #2463 return offsetWidth; }; }); _registerModule(_modules, 'masters/modules/oldie.src.js', [], function () { }); }));