/* * * * (c) 2010-2021 Grzegorz BlachliƄski * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ 'use strict'; import Math3D from '../Extensions/Math3D.js'; var perspective = Math3D.perspective; import SeriesRegistry from '../Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js'; var _a = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes, AreaSeriesClass = _a.area, LineSeriesClass = _a.line; import U from '../Core/Utilities.js'; var pick = U.pick, wrap = U.wrap; /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */ wrap(AreaSeriesClass.prototype, 'getGraphPath', function (proceed) { var series = this, svgPath = proceed.apply(series, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); // Do not do this if the chart is not 3D if (!series.chart.is3d()) { return svgPath; } var getGraphPath = LineSeriesClass.prototype.getGraphPath, graphPath = [], options = series.options, stacking = options.stacking, bottomPath, bottomPoints = [], graphPoints = [], i, areaPath, connectNulls = pick(// #10574 options.connectNulls, stacking === 'percent'), translatedThreshold = Math.round(// #10909 series.yAxis.getThreshold(options.threshold)), options3d; if (series.rawPointsX) { for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < series.points.length; i_1++) { bottomPoints.push({ x: series.rawPointsX[i_1], y: options.stacking ? series.points[i_1].yBottom : translatedThreshold, z: series.zPadding }); } } options3d = series.chart.options.chart.options3d; bottomPoints = perspective(bottomPoints, series.chart, true).map(function (point) { return { plotX: point.x, plotY: point.y, plotZ: point.z }; }); if (series.group && options3d && options3d.depth && options3d.beta) { // Markers should take the global zIndex of series group. if (series.markerGroup) { series.markerGroup.add(series.group); series.markerGroup.attr({ translateX: 0, translateY: 0 }); } series.group.attr({ zIndex: Math.max(1, (options3d.beta > 270 || options3d.beta < 90) ? options3d.depth - Math.round(series.zPadding || 0) : Math.round(series.zPadding || 0)) }); } bottomPoints.reversed = true; bottomPath = getGraphPath.call(series, bottomPoints, true, true); if (bottomPath[0] && bottomPath[0][0] === 'M') { bottomPath[0] = ['L', bottomPath[0][1], bottomPath[0][2]]; } if (series.areaPath) { // Remove previously used bottomPath and add the new one. areaPath = series.areaPath.splice(0, series.areaPath.length / 2).concat(bottomPath); areaPath.xMap = series.areaPath.xMap; // Use old xMap in the new areaPath series.areaPath = areaPath; graphPath = getGraphPath.call(series, graphPoints, false, connectNulls); } return svgPath; });