/** * * (c) 2010-2021 Wojciech Chmiel * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ 'use strict'; import H from '../Core/Globals.js'; import U from '../Core/Utilities.js'; var defined = U.defined, error = U.error, merge = U.merge; var SMA = H.seriesTypes.sma; /** * Mixin useful for all indicators that have more than one line. * Merge it with your implementation where you will provide * getValues method appropriate to your indicator and pointArrayMap, * pointValKey, linesApiNames properites. Notice that pointArrayMap * should be consistent with amount of lines calculated in getValues method. * * @private * @mixin multipleLinesMixin */ var multipleLinesMixin = { /* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */ /** * Lines ids. Required to plot appropriate amount of lines. * Notice that pointArrayMap should have more elements than * linesApiNames, because it contains main line and additional lines ids. * Also it should be consistent with amount of lines calculated in * getValues method from your implementation. * * @private * @name multipleLinesMixin.pointArrayMap * @type {Array} */ pointArrayMap: ['top', 'bottom'], /** * Main line id. * * @private * @name multipleLinesMixin.pointValKey * @type {string} */ pointValKey: 'top', /** * Additional lines DOCS names. Elements of linesApiNames array should * be consistent with DOCS line names defined in your implementation. * Notice that linesApiNames should have decreased amount of elements * relative to pointArrayMap (without pointValKey). * * @private * @name multipleLinesMixin.linesApiNames * @type {Array} */ linesApiNames: ['bottomLine'], /** * Create translatedLines Collection based on pointArrayMap. * * @private * @function multipleLinesMixin.getTranslatedLinesNames * @param {string} [excludedValue] * Main line id * @return {Array} * Returns translated lines names without excluded value. */ getTranslatedLinesNames: function (excludedValue) { var translatedLines = []; (this.pointArrayMap || []).forEach(function (propertyName) { if (propertyName !== excludedValue) { translatedLines.push('plot' + propertyName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propertyName.slice(1)); } }); return translatedLines; }, /** * @private * @function multipleLinesMixin.toYData * @param {Highcharts.Point} point * Indicator point * @return {Array} * Returns point Y value for all lines */ toYData: function (point) { var pointColl = []; (this.pointArrayMap || []).forEach(function (propertyName) { pointColl.push(point[propertyName]); }); return pointColl; }, /** * Add lines plot pixel values. * * @private * @function multipleLinesMixin.translate * @return {void} */ translate: function () { var indicator = this, pointArrayMap = indicator.pointArrayMap, LinesNames = [], value; LinesNames = indicator.getTranslatedLinesNames(); SMA.prototype.translate.apply(indicator, arguments); indicator.points.forEach(function (point) { pointArrayMap.forEach(function (propertyName, i) { value = point[propertyName]; if (value !== null) { point[LinesNames[i]] = indicator.yAxis.toPixels(value, true); } }); }); }, /** * Draw main and additional lines. * * @private * @function multipleLinesMixin.drawGraph * @return {void} */ drawGraph: function () { var indicator = this, pointValKey = indicator.pointValKey, linesApiNames = indicator.linesApiNames, mainLinePoints = indicator.points, pointsLength = mainLinePoints.length, mainLineOptions = indicator.options, mainLinePath = indicator.graph, gappedExtend = { options: { gapSize: mainLineOptions.gapSize } }, // additional lines point place holders: secondaryLines = [], secondaryLinesNames = indicator.getTranslatedLinesNames(pointValKey), point; // Generate points for additional lines: secondaryLinesNames.forEach(function (plotLine, index) { // create additional lines point place holders secondaryLines[index] = []; while (pointsLength--) { point = mainLinePoints[pointsLength]; secondaryLines[index].push({ x: point.x, plotX: point.plotX, plotY: point[plotLine], isNull: !defined(point[plotLine]) }); } pointsLength = mainLinePoints.length; }); // Modify options and generate additional lines: linesApiNames.forEach(function (lineName, i) { if (secondaryLines[i]) { indicator.points = secondaryLines[i]; if (mainLineOptions[lineName]) { indicator.options = merge(mainLineOptions[lineName].styles, gappedExtend); } else { error('Error: "There is no ' + lineName + ' in DOCS options declared. Check if linesApiNames' + ' are consistent with your DOCS line names."' + ' at mixin/multiple-line.js:34'); } indicator.graph = indicator['graph' + lineName]; SMA.prototype.drawGraph.call(indicator); // Now save lines: indicator['graph' + lineName] = indicator.graph; } else { error('Error: "' + lineName + ' doesn\'t have equivalent ' + 'in pointArrayMap. To many elements in linesApiNames ' + 'relative to pointArrayMap."'); } }); // Restore options and draw a main line: indicator.points = mainLinePoints; indicator.options = mainLineOptions; indicator.graph = mainLinePath; SMA.prototype.drawGraph.call(indicator); } }; export default multipleLinesMixin;