/* * * * (c) 2010-2021 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ 'use strict'; import Pointer from '../Core/Pointer.js'; import U from '../Core/Utilities.js'; var extend = U.extend, pick = U.pick, wrap = U.wrap; /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */ var totalWheelDelta = 0; var totalWheelDeltaTimer; // Extend the Pointer extend(Pointer.prototype, { // The event handler for the doubleclick event onContainerDblClick: function (e) { var chart = this.chart; e = this.normalize(e); if (chart.options.mapNavigation.enableDoubleClickZoomTo) { if (chart.pointer.inClass(e.target, 'highcharts-tracker') && chart.hoverPoint) { chart.hoverPoint.zoomTo(); } } else if (chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - chart.plotTop)) { chart.mapZoom(0.5, chart.xAxis[0].toValue(e.chartX), chart.yAxis[0].toValue(e.chartY), e.chartX, e.chartY); } }, // The event handler for the mouse scroll event onContainerMouseWheel: function (e) { var chart = this.chart; e = this.normalize(e); // Firefox uses e.deltaY or e.detail, WebKit and IE uses wheelDelta var delta = e.deltaY || e.detail || -(e.wheelDelta / 120); // Wheel zooming on trackpads have different behaviours in Firefox vs // WebKit. In Firefox the delta increments in steps by 1, so it is not // distinguishable from true mouse wheel. Therefore we use this timer // to avoid trackpad zooming going too fast and out of control. In // WebKit however, the delta is < 1, so we simply disable animation in // the `chart.mapZoom` call below. if (Math.abs(delta) >= 1) { totalWheelDelta += Math.abs(delta); if (totalWheelDeltaTimer) { clearTimeout(totalWheelDeltaTimer); } totalWheelDeltaTimer = setTimeout(function () { totalWheelDelta = 0; }, 50); } if (totalWheelDelta < 10 && chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - chart.plotTop)) { chart.mapZoom(Math.pow(chart.options.mapNavigation.mouseWheelSensitivity, delta), chart.xAxis[0].toValue(e.chartX), chart.yAxis[0].toValue(e.chartY), e.chartX, e.chartY, // Delta less than 1 indicates stepless/trackpad zooming, avoid // animation delaying the zoom Math.abs(delta) < 1 ? false : void 0); } } }); // The pinchType is inferred from mapNavigation options. wrap(Pointer.prototype, 'zoomOption', function (proceed) { var mapNavigation = this.chart.options.mapNavigation; // Pinch status if (pick(mapNavigation.enableTouchZoom, mapNavigation.enabled)) { this.chart.options.chart.pinchType = 'xy'; } proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); }); // Extend the pinchTranslate method to preserve fixed ratio when zooming wrap(Pointer.prototype, 'pinchTranslate', function (proceed, pinchDown, touches, transform, selectionMarker, clip, lastValidTouch) { var xBigger; proceed.call(this, pinchDown, touches, transform, selectionMarker, clip, lastValidTouch); // Keep ratio if (this.chart.options.chart.type === 'map' && this.hasZoom) { xBigger = transform.scaleX > transform.scaleY; this.pinchTranslateDirection(!xBigger, pinchDown, touches, transform, selectionMarker, clip, lastValidTouch, xBigger ? transform.scaleX : transform.scaleY); } });