123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535 |
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- </uni-nav-bar>
- </view>
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- <view class="div label">店铺及联系人信息</view>
- <view class="div main-content">
- <flex-line class="field-line" :show-border="true"><text class="span field-name">{{storeJoinin.store_type==1?'店铺名称':'公司名称'}}</text><view class="div field-line-right" slot="right"><input class="field-input" v-model="storeJoinin.company_name" /></view></flex-line>
- <view class="div" @click="onRegion('company_address')"><flex-line :is-link="true" :show-border="true"><text class="span line-name">所在地</text><text class="span" slot="right">{{storeJoinin.company_address}}</text></flex-line></view>
- <view v-if="!storeJoinin.company_address_detail" class="div" @click="showPopup('popMap')"><flex-line :is-link="true" :show-border="true"><text class="span line-name">详细地址</text><text class="span" slot="right">{{storeJoinin.company_address_detail}}</text></flex-line></view>
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- <flex-line v-if="storeJoinin.store_type==0" class="field-line" :show-border="true"><text class="span field-name">注册资金(万元)</text><view class="div field-line-right" slot="right"><input class="field-input" v-model="storeJoinin.company_registered_capital" /></view></flex-line>
- <flex-line v-if="storeJoinin.store_type==0" class="field-line" :show-border="true"><text class="span field-name">联系人姓名</text><view class="div field-line-right" slot="right"><input class="field-input" v-model="storeJoinin.contacts_name" /></view></flex-line>
- <flex-line class="field-line" :show-border="true"><text class="span field-name">联系人电话</text><view class="div field-line-right" slot="right"><input class="field-input" v-model="storeJoinin.contacts_phone" /></view></flex-line>
- <flex-line class="field-line" :show-border="true"><text class="span field-name">电子邮箱</text><view class="div field-line-right" slot="right"><input class="field-input" v-model="storeJoinin.contacts_email" /></view></flex-line>
- </view>
- <view class="div label">{{storeJoinin.store_type==0?'营业执照信息(副本)':'证件信息'}}</view>
- <view class="div main-content">
- <flex-line class="field-line" v-if="storeJoinin.store_type==1" :show-border="true"><text class="span field-name">持证人姓名</text><view class="div field-line-right" slot="right"><input class="field-input" v-model="storeJoinin.contacts_name" /></view></flex-line>
- <flex-line class="field-line" :show-border="true"><text class="span field-name">{{storeJoinin.store_type==0?'营业执照号':'证件号码'}}</text><view class="div field-line-right" slot="right"><input class="field-input" v-model="storeJoinin.business_licence_number" /></view></flex-line>
- <view class="div" v-if="storeJoinin.store_type==0" @click="onRegion('business_licence_address')"><flex-line :is-link="true" :show-border="true"><text class="span line-name">营业执照所在地</text><text class="span" slot="right">{{storeJoinin.business_licence_address}}</text></flex-line></view>
- <view class="div" v-if="storeJoinin.store_type==0">
- <flex-line :is-link="true" :show-border="true">
- <text class="span line-name">有效期起始</text>
- <view class="span" slot="right">
- <uni-datetime-picker class="common-datetime-picker" type="date" v-model="storeJoinin.business_licence_start"
- start="2000/1/1"></uni-datetime-picker>
- </view>
- </flex-line>
- </view>
- <view class="div" v-if="storeJoinin.store_type==0">
- <flex-line :is-link="true" :show-border="true">
- <text class="span line-name">有效期结束</text>
- <view class="span" slot="right">
- <uni-datetime-picker class="common-datetime-picker" type="date" v-model="storeJoinin.business_licence_end"
- start="2000/1/1"></uni-datetime-picker>
- </view>
- </flex-line>
- </view>
- <flex-line v-if="storeJoinin.store_type==0" class="field-line" :show-border="true"><text class="span field-name">经营范围</text><view class="div field-line-right" slot="right"><input class="field-input" v-model="storeJoinin.business_sphere" /></view></flex-line>
- <flex-line class="pt-5" :show-border="true">
- <text class="span">{{storeJoinin.store_type==0?'营业执照电子版':'身份证正面'}}</text>
- <view class="div" slot="right">
- <view class="div user-avatar-wrapper">
- <view class="div user-avatar">
- <uni-file-picker
- class="common-avatar"
- v-model="business_licence_number_electronic_lsit"
- fileMediatype="image"
- mode="grid"
- :limit="1"
- :auto-upload="false"
- @select="uploadSelectImg('business_licence_number_electronic', $event)"
- @delete="dropImage('business_licence_number_electronic')"
- :image-styles="{
- width:'200px',
- height:'160px',
- }"></uni-file-picker>
- </view>
- </view>
- </view>
- </flex-line>
- <flex-line class="pt-5" :show-border="true">
- <div>
- <text class="span">{{storeJoinin.store_type==0?'企业授权书':'身份证反面'}}</text>
- <div class="button look-button" v-if="storeJoinin.store_type==0" v-on:click="lookImage()">查看实例</div>
- </div>
- <view class="div" slot="right">
- <view class="div user-avatar-wrapper">
- <view class="div user-avatar">
- <uni-file-picker
- class="common-avatar"
- v-model="business_author_letter_list"
- fileMediatype="image"
- mode="grid"
- :limit="1"
- :auto-upload="false"
- @select="uploadSelectImg('business_author_letter', $event)"
- @delete="dropImage('business_author_letter')"
- :image-styles="{
- width:'200px',
- height:'160px',
- }">
- </uni-file-picker>
- </view>
- </view>
- </view>
- </flex-line>
- </view>
- <view class="div common-btn ds-button-large mt-10" @click="nextStep">下一步</view>
- <view class="div">
- <uni-popup background-color="#fff" ref="isshow" class="popup" >
- <!-- <div>{{showimage}}</div> -->
- <image mode="aspectFit" class="img" :src="showimage" :style="getBannerStyle" @click="hidePopup('isshow')">
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- </view>
- <view class="div">
- <region-picker ref="picker" @onConfirm="onPickerConfirm"></region-picker>
- </view>
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- </view>
- </view>
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- <scroll-view style="position: absolute;top:0;right:0;left:0;bottom:0" scroll-y="true">
- <map-select ref="map_select" :longitude="storeJoinin.store_longitude" :latitude="storeJoinin.store_latitude" @setPosition="setPosition"></map-select>
- </scroll-view>
- </view>
- </view>
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- </view>
- </view></member-base>
- </template>
- <script>
- import {getFontSize} from '@/util/common'
- import TitleHeader from '../../TitleHeader'
- import MemberBase from '../MemberBase'
- import tuiPictureCropper from "@/components/thorui/tui-picture-cropper/tui-picture-cropper"
- import { mapState, mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex'
- import Step from '../../Step'
- import RegionPicker from '../../RegionPicker'
- import MapSelect from '../../MapSelect'
- import { getStoreJoinin, uploadInfoFile, saveStoreJoinin2 } from '../../../api/seller'
- import { getPointByAddress } from '../../../util/bmap'
- import flexLine from '../../flexLine'
- export default {
- components:{
- TitleHeader,
- MemberBase,
- flexLine,
- Step,
- RegionPicker,
- MapSelect,
- tuiPictureCropper
- },
- data(){
- return {
- navHeight: 0,
- business_author_letter_list:[],
- business_licence_number_electronic_lsit:[],
- screenWidth:0,
- screenHeight:0,
- // cropperOption: {
- // img: '',
- // canMove: false,
- // autoCrop: true,
- // autoCropWidth: 100,
- // autoCropHeight: 50,
- // maxImgSize: 500,
- // outputType: 'png'
- // },
- // cropperOption1: {
- // img: '',
- // canMove: false,
- // autoCrop: true,
- // autoCropWidth: 100,
- // autoCropHeight: 50,
- // maxImgSize: 500,
- // outputType: 'png'
- // },
- options: [{ title: '公司资质' }, { title: '财务资质' }, { title: '店铺信息' }, { title: '合同签订' }],
- showimage: '',
- selectData: '',
- regionName: '',
- dataName: ''
- }
- },
- mounted(){
- // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
- this.navHeight = uni.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect().top
- // #endif
- const res = uni.getSystemInfoSync()
- this.screenWidth = res.windowWidth
- this.screenHeight = res.windowHeight
- },
- computed:{
- fontSize(){
- return getFontSize()
- },
- ...mapState({
- storeJoinin1: state => state.member.storeJoinin1,
- storeJoinin0: state => state.member.storeJoinin0,
- storeJoininType: state => state.member.storeJoininType,
- config: state => state.config.config
- }),
- storeJoinin:function(){
- var data
- if(this.storeJoininType==1){
- data = this.storeJoinin1
- }else{
- data = this.storeJoinin0
- }
- if(data.business_licence_number_electronic_url){
- this.business_licence_number_electronic_list = [{
- name: 'business_licence_number_electronic',
- extname: 'jpg',
- url: data.business_licence_number_electronic_url
- }]
- }
- if(data.business_author_letter_url){
- this.business_author_letter_list = [{
- name: 'business_author_letter',
- extname: 'jpg',
- url: data.business_author_letter_url
- }]
- }
- return data
- },
- getBannerStyle: function () {
- const res = uni.getSystemInfoSync()
- var width = res.windowWidth
- var height = res.windowHeight
- let itemWidth = width
- let itemHeight = height
- return "max-width:"+itemWidth +"px;max-height:"+itemHeight +"px"
- }
- },
- created: function () {
- getStoreJoinin().then(res => {
- var store_joinin = res.result.store_joinin
- if (store_joinin) {
- if (store_joinin.joinin_state == 11 || store_joinin.joinin_state == 20 || store_joinin.joinin_state == 31) {
- uni.redirectTo({url:'/pages/member/sellerjoinin/Step5'})
- return
- }
- if (store_joinin.joinin_state == 40) {
- uni.showToast({icon:'none',title: '您的店铺已开通'})
- return
- }
- this.sellerJoininSave({ storeJoinin: store_joinin })
- this.fetchConfig({}).then(
- response => {
- console.log('this.config' , this.config)
- if (this.config.store_joinin_open == 2 || this.config.store_joinin_open == 3) {
- if (this.config.store_joinin_open == 3) {
- this.storeJoinin['store_type'] = 1
- }
- if (this.config.store_joinin_open == 2) {
- this.storeJoinin['store_type'] = 0
- }
- this.$forceUpdate()
- }
- },
- error => {
- uni.showToast({icon:'none',title: error.message})
- }
- )
- console.log('this.storeJoinin' ,this.storeJoinin)
- }
- }).catch(error => {
- uni.showToast({icon:'none',title: error.message})
- })
- },
- methods:{
- showPopup(id){
- this.$refs[id].open()
- },
- hidePopup(id){
- this.$refs[id].close()
- },
- goBack(){uni.navigateBack({delta:1})},
- ...mapActions({
- fetchConfig: 'fetchConfig'
- }),
- ...mapMutations({
- memberPoint: 'memberPoint',
- sellerJoininSave: 'sellerJoininSave'
- }),
- nextStep () {
- saveStoreJoinin2(this.storeJoinin).then(res => {
- this.sellerJoininSave({ storeJoinin: this.storeJoinin })
- uni.navigateTo({url:'/pages/member/sellerjoinin/Step3'})
- }).catch(error => {
- uni.showToast({icon:'none',title: error.message})
- })
- },
- setPosition (lat, lng, name) {
- this.hidePopup('popMap')
- this.storeJoinin.company_address_detail = name
- this.storeJoinin.store_longitude = lng
- this.storeJoinin.store_latitude = lat
- this.$forceUpdate()
- },
- onPickerConfirm (values) {
- if (this.regionName == 'company_address') {
- this.storeJoinin.company_address = this.getRegionStr(values)
- this.storeJoinin.company_province_id = values[values.length - 1].area_id
- }
- if (this.regionName == 'business_licence_address') {
- this.storeJoinin.business_licence_address = this.getRegionStr(values)
- }
- this.selectCity(values.length > 1 ? values[1].area_name : values[0].area_name)
- this.$forceUpdate()
- },
- onRegion (name) {
- this.regionName = name
- this.$refs.picker.show()
- },
- getRegionStr (values) {
- let title = ''
- for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
- const element = values[i]
- if (i !== 0) {
- title = title + ' ' + element.area_name
- } else {
- title = title + element.area_name
- }
- }
- return title
- },
- openImage (src) {
- this.showimage = src
- this.showPopup('isshow')
- },
- lookImage (){
- const images = ['https://www.cctc365.com/uploads/home/store/p9ynd6H.png']
- uni.previewImage({
- current: 0, // 当前显示图片的索引值
- urls: images, // 需要预览的图片列表,photoList要求必须是数组
- loop:false,
- })
- },
- dropImage (type) {
- this.storeJoinin[type] = this.storeJoinin[type + '_url'] = ''
- // 缓存也要清除下
- this.$forceUpdate()
- },
- // dropImage1 () {
- // this.storeJoinin.business_author_letter = ''
- // this.$forceUpdate()
- // },
- // uploadImage(type,event) {
- // var file = event.tempFiles[0]
- // var that = this
- // that.cropperOption.imgUrl = file.path
- // that.cropperOption.autoCropWidth = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth
- // that.cropperOption.autoCropHeight =( uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth) * (this.storeJoinin.store_type==0 ? 1 :.63)
- // that.cropperOption.maxImgSize = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight - 40
- // that.$forceUpdate()
- // },
- uploadSelectImg(type,event){
- const that = this
- const file = event.tempFiles[0]
- const formdata = {
- filePath: file.path,
- name: 'file'
- }
- uni.showLoading({
- title: 'lodding....'
- })
- uploadInfoFile(formdata).then(res => {
- that.storeJoinin[type] = res.result.path
- that.storeJoinin[type + '_url'] = res.result.url
- that[type + '_list'] = [{
- name: type,
- extname: 'jpg',
- url: that.storeJoinin[type + '_url']
- }]
- // this.cropperOption.imgUrl = ''
- that.$forceUpdate()
- uni.hideLoading()
- }).catch(function(error) {
- uni.showToast({
- icon: 'none',
- title: error.message
- })
- uni.hideLoading()
- // this.cropperOption.imgUrl = ''
- that.$forceUpdate()
- })
- },
- // uploadImage1(event) {
- // var file = event.tempFiles[0]
- // console.log('这是我上传的图片',file)
- // var that = this
- // that.cropperOption1.imgUrl = file.path
- // that.cropperOption1.autoCropWidth = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth
- // that.cropperOption1.autoCropHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth * (this.storeJoinin.store_type==0 ? 1.6 :.63)
- // that.cropperOption1.maxImgSize =uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight -40
- // that.$forceUpdate()
- // },
- // useCrop(res) {
- // var formdata = {
- // filePath: res.url,
- // name: 'file'
- // }
- // uni.showLoading({
- // title: '加载中'
- // })
- // uploadInfoFile(formdata).then(res => {
- // this.storeJoinin.business_licence_number_electronic = res.result.path
- // this.storeJoinin.business_licence_number_electronic_url = res.result.url
- // this.imageValue = [{
- // name: 'business_licence_number_electronic',
- // extname: 'jpg',
- // url: this.storeJoinin.business_licence_number_electronic_url
- // }]
- // this.cropperOption.imgUrl = ''
- // this.$forceUpdate()
- // uni.hideLoading()
- // }).catch(function(error) {
- // uni.showToast({
- // icon: 'none',
- // title: error.message
- // })
- // uni.hideLoading()
- // this.cropperOption.imgUrl = ''
- // this.$forceUpdate()
- // })
- // },
- // useCrop1(res) {
- // var formdata = {
- // filePath: res.url,
- // name: 'file'
- // }
- // uni.showLoading({
- // title: '加载中'
- // })
- // uploadInfoFile(formdata).then(res => {
- // this.storeJoinin.business_author_letter = res.result.path
- // this.storeJoinin.business_author_letter_url = res.result.url
- // this.imageValue1 = [{
- // name: 'business_author_letter',
- // extname: 'jpg',
- // url: this.storeJoinin.business_author_letter_url
- // }]
- // this.cropperOption1.imgUrl = ''
- // this.$forceUpdate()
- // uni.hideLoading()
- // }).catch(function(error) {
- // uni.showToast({
- // icon: 'none',
- // title: error.message
- // })
- // uni.hideLoading()
- // this.cropperOption1.imgUrl = ''
- // this.$forceUpdate()
- // })
- // },
- // cropReady() {
- // this.cropperOption.img = this.cropperOption.imgUrl
- // },
- // cropReady1() {
- // this.cropperOption1.img = this.cropperOption1.imgUrl
- // },
- //cropBack(){
- // this.cropperOption.imgUrl=''
- // this.$forceUpdate()
- // },
- // cropBack1(){
- // this.cropperOption1.imgUrl=''
- // this.$forceUpdate()
- // },
- selectCity (city_name) {
- getPointByAddress(city_name).then(res => {
- if (res.result.location) {
- var lng = res.result.location.lng
- var lat = res.result.location.lat
- if (this.regionName == 'company_address') {
- this.storeJoinin.store_latitude = lat
- this.storeJoinin.store_longitude = lng
- }
- if (this.regionName == 'business_licence_address') {
- }
- this.memberPoint({ point: { lng: lng, lat: lat, address: res.result.sematic_description, cityCode: res.result.cityCode, cityName: city_name } })
- this.$forceUpdate()
- } else {
- uni.showToast({icon:'none',title: '无法获取城市位置'})
- }
- }).catch(function (error) {
- uni.showToast({icon:'none',title: error.message})
- })
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
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