AdminControl.php 40 KB

  1. <?php
  2. namespace app\admin\controller;
  3. use think\facade\View;
  4. use app\BaseController;
  5. /**
  6. * ============================================================================
  7. *
  8. * ============================================================================
  9. * 版权所有 2014-2028 浙江惠利玛产业互联网有限公司,并保留所有权利。
  10. * 网站地址:
  11. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. *
  13. * ============================================================================
  14. * 控制器
  15. */
  16. class AdminControl extends BaseController
  17. {
  18. /**
  19. * 管理员资料 name id group
  20. */
  21. protected $admin_info;
  22. protected $permission;
  23. public function initialize()
  24. {
  25. $config_list = rkcache('config', true);
  26. config($config_list, 'ds_config');
  27. $myfile = fopen(base_path() . "public/newfile.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
  28. $txt = "Bill Gates\n";
  29. fwrite($myfile, $txt);
  30. fclose($myfile);
  31. View::assign('ick_kci', checkSecurity());
  32. if (request()->controller() != 'Login') {
  33. $this->admin_info = $this->systemLogin();
  34. if ($this->admin_info['admin_id'] != 1) {
  35. // 验证权限
  36. $this->checkPermission();
  37. }
  38. $this->setMenuList();
  39. }
  40. }
  41. /**
  42. * 取得当前管理员信息
  43. *
  44. * @param
  45. * @return 数组类型的返回结果
  46. */
  47. protected final function getAdminInfo()
  48. {
  49. return $this->admin_info;
  50. }
  51. /**
  52. * 系统后台登录验证
  53. *
  54. * @param
  55. * @return array 数组类型的返回结果
  56. */
  57. protected final function systemLogin()
  58. {
  59. $admin_info = array(
  60. 'admin_id' => session('admin_id'),
  61. 'admin_name' => session('admin_name'),
  62. 'admin_gid' => session('admin_gid'),
  63. 'admin_is_super' => session('admin_is_super'),
  64. );
  65. if (empty($admin_info['admin_id']) || empty($admin_info['admin_name']) || !isset($admin_info['admin_gid']) || !isset($admin_info['admin_is_super'])) {
  66. session(null);
  67. $this->redirect('admin/Login/index');
  68. }
  69. return $admin_info;
  70. }
  71. public function setMenuList()
  72. {
  73. $menu_list = $this->menuList();
  74. $menu_list = $this->parseMenu($menu_list);
  75. View::assign('menu_list', $menu_list);
  76. }
  77. /**
  78. * 验证当前管理员权限是否可以进行操作
  79. *
  80. * @param string $link_nav
  81. * @return
  82. */
  83. protected final function checkPermission($link_nav = null)
  84. {
  85. if ($this->admin_info['admin_is_super'] == 1) return true;
  86. $controller = request()->controller();
  87. $action = request()->action();
  88. if (empty($this->permission)) {
  89. $admin_model = model('admin');
  90. $gadmin = $admin_model->getOneGadmin(array('gid' => $this->admin_info['admin_gid']));
  91. $permission = ds_decrypt($gadmin['glimits'], MD5_KEY . md5($gadmin['gname']));
  92. $this->permission = $permission = explode('|', $permission);
  93. } else {
  94. $permission = $this->permission;
  95. }
  96. //显示隐藏小导航,成功与否都直接返回
  97. if (is_array($link_nav)) {
  98. if (!in_array("{$link_nav['controller']}.{$link_nav['action']}", $permission) && !in_array($link_nav['controller'], $permission)) {
  99. return false;
  100. } else {
  101. return true;
  102. }
  103. }
  104. //以下几项不需要验证
  105. $tmp = array('Index', 'Dashboard', 'Login');
  106. if (in_array($controller, $tmp)) {
  107. return true;
  108. }
  109. if (in_array($controller, $permission) || in_array("$controller.$action", $permission)) {
  110. return true;
  111. } else {
  112. $extlimit = array('ajax', 'export_step1');
  113. if (in_array($action, $extlimit) && (in_array($controller, $permission) || strpos(serialize($permission), '"' . $controller . '.'))) {
  114. return true;
  115. }
  116. //带前缀的都通过
  117. foreach ($permission as $v) {
  118. if (!empty($v) && strpos("$controller.$action", $v . '_') !== false) {
  119. return true;
  120. break;
  121. }
  122. }
  123. }
  124. if ($this->admin_info['admin_name'] != 'dsmall') {
  125. $this->error(lang('ds_assign_right'), 'Dashboard/welcome');
  126. } else if (request()->isPost() || preg_match('/del/', request()->action())) {
  127. $this->error(lang('ds_assign_right'));
  128. }
  129. }
  130. /**
  131. * 过滤掉无权查看的菜单
  132. *
  133. * @param array $menu
  134. * @return array
  135. */
  136. private final function parseMenu($menu = array())
  137. {
  138. if ($this->admin_info['admin_is_super'] == 1) {
  139. return $menu;
  140. }
  141. foreach ($menu as $k => $v) {
  142. foreach ($v['children'] as $ck => $cv) {
  143. $tmp = explode(',', $cv['args']);
  144. //以下几项不需要验证
  145. $except = array('Index', 'Dashboard', 'Login');
  146. if (in_array($tmp[1], $except))
  147. continue;
  148. if (!in_array($tmp[1], array_values($this->permission)) && !in_array($tmp[1] . '.' . $tmp[0], array_values($this->permission))) {
  149. if ($this->admin_info['admin_name'] != 'dsmall') {
  150. unset($menu[$k]['children'][$ck]);
  151. }
  152. }
  153. }
  154. if (empty($menu[$k]['children'])) {
  155. unset($menu[$k]);
  156. unset($menu[$k]['children']);
  157. }
  158. }
  159. return $menu;
  160. }
  161. /**
  162. * 记录系统日志
  163. *
  164. * @param $lang 日志语言包
  165. * @param $state 1成功0失败null不出现成功失败提示
  166. * @param $admin_name
  167. * @param $admin_id
  168. */
  169. protected final function log($lang = '', $state = 1, $admin_name = '', $admin_id = 0)
  170. {
  171. if ($admin_name == '') {
  172. $admin_name = session('admin_name');
  173. $admin_id = session('admin_id');
  174. }
  175. $data = array();
  176. if (is_null($state)) {
  177. $state = null;
  178. } else {
  179. $state = $state ? '' : lang('ds_fail');
  180. }
  181. $data['adminlog_content'] = $lang . $state;
  182. $data['adminlog_time'] = TIMESTAMP;
  183. $data['admin_name'] = $admin_name;
  184. $data['admin_id'] = $admin_id;
  185. $data['adminlog_ip'] = request()->ip();
  186. $data['adminlog_url'] = request()->controller() . '&' . request()->action();
  187. $adminlog_model = model('adminlog');
  188. return $adminlog_model->addAdminlog($data);
  189. }
  190. /**
  191. * 添加到任务队列
  192. *
  193. * @param array $goods_array
  194. * @param boolean $ifdel 是否删除以原记录
  195. */
  196. protected function addcron($data = array(), $ifdel = false)
  197. {
  198. $cron_model = model('cron');
  199. if (isset($data[0])) { // 批量插入
  200. $where = array();
  201. foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
  202. // 删除原纪录条件
  203. if ($ifdel) {
  204. $where[] = '(cron_type = "' . $data['cron_type'] . '" and cron_value = "' . $data['cron_value'] . '")';
  205. }
  206. }
  207. // 删除原纪录
  208. if ($ifdel) {
  209. $cron_model->delCron(implode(',', $where));
  210. }
  211. $cron_model->addCronAll($data);
  212. } else { // 单条插入
  213. // 删除原纪录
  214. if ($ifdel) {
  215. $cron_model->delCron(array('cron_type' => $data['cron_type'], 'cron_value' => $data['cron_value']));
  216. }
  217. $cron_model->addCron($data);
  218. }
  219. }
  220. /**
  221. * 当前选中的栏目
  222. */
  223. protected function setAdminCurItem($curitem = '')
  224. {
  225. View::assign('admin_item', $this->getAdminItemList());
  226. View::assign('curitem', $curitem);
  227. }
  228. /**
  229. * 获取卖家栏目列表,针对控制器下的栏目
  230. */
  231. protected function getAdminItemList()
  232. {
  233. return array();
  234. }
  235. /*
  236. * 侧边栏列表
  237. */
  238. function menuList()
  239. {
  240. return array(
  241. 'dashboard' => array(
  242. 'name' => 'dashboard',
  243. 'text' => lang('ds_dashboard'),
  244. 'show' => TRUE,
  245. 'children' => array(
  246. 'welcome' => array(
  247. 'ico' => "&#xe70b;",
  248. 'text' => lang('ds_welcome'),
  249. 'args' => 'welcome,Dashboard,dashboard',
  250. ),
  251. /*
  252. 'aboutus' => array(
  253. 'text' => lang('ds_aboutus'),
  254. 'args' => 'aboutus,dashboard,dashboard',
  255. ),
  256. */
  257. 'config' => array(
  258. 'ico' => '&#xe6e0;',
  259. 'text' => lang('ds_base'),
  260. 'args' => 'base,Config,dashboard',
  261. ),
  262. 'member' => array(
  263. 'ico' => '&#xe667;',
  264. 'text' => lang('ds_member_manage'),
  265. 'args' => 'member,Member,dashboard',
  266. ),
  267. ),
  268. ),
  269. 'setting' => array(
  270. 'name' => 'setting',
  271. 'text' => lang('ds_setting'),
  272. 'show' => TRUE,
  273. 'children' => array(
  274. 'config' => array(
  275. 'ico' => '&#xe6e0;',
  276. 'text' => lang('ds_base'),
  277. 'args' => 'base,Config,setting',
  278. ),
  279. 'account' => array(
  280. 'ico' => '&#xe678;',
  281. 'text' => lang('ds_account'),
  282. 'args' => 'qq,Account,setting',
  283. ),
  284. 'upload_set' => array(
  285. 'ico' => '&#xe72a;',
  286. 'text' => lang('ds_upload_set'),
  287. 'args' => 'default_thumb,Upload,setting',
  288. ),
  289. 'seo' => array(
  290. 'ico' => '&#xe6e0;',
  291. 'text' => lang('ds_seo_set'),
  292. 'args' => 'index,Seo,setting',
  293. ),
  294. 'message' => array(
  295. 'ico' => '&#xe71b;',
  296. 'text' => lang('ds_message'),
  297. 'args' => 'email,Message,setting',
  298. ),
  299. 'payment' => array(
  300. 'ico' => '&#xe74d;',
  301. 'text' => lang('ds_payment'),
  302. 'args' => 'index,Payment,setting',
  303. ),
  304. 'admin' => array(
  305. 'ico' => '&#xe67b;',
  306. 'text' => lang('ds_admin'),
  307. 'args' => 'admin,Admin,setting',
  308. ),
  309. 'express' => array(
  310. 'ico' => '&#xe69e;',
  311. 'text' => lang('ds_express'),
  312. 'args' => 'index,Express,setting',
  313. ),
  314. 'Region' => array(
  315. 'ico' => '&#xe720;',
  316. 'text' => lang('ds_region'),
  317. 'args' => 'index,Region,setting',
  318. ),
  319. 'db' => array(
  320. 'ico' => '&#xe6f5;',
  321. 'text' => lang('ds_db'),
  322. 'args' => 'db,Database,setting',
  323. ),
  324. 'admin_log' => array(
  325. 'ico' => '&#xe71f;',
  326. 'text' => lang('ds_adminlog'),
  327. 'args' => 'loglist,Adminlog,setting',
  328. ),
  329. ),
  330. ),
  331. 'member' => array(
  332. 'name' => 'member',
  333. 'text' => lang('ds_member'),
  334. 'show' => TRUE,
  335. 'children' => array(
  336. 'member' => array(
  337. 'ico' => '&#xe667;',
  338. 'text' => lang('ds_member_manage'),
  339. 'args' => 'member,Member,member',
  340. ),
  341. 'member_auth' => array(
  342. 'ico' => '&#xe6ea;',
  343. 'text' => lang('member_auth'),
  344. 'args' => 'index,MemberAuth,member',
  345. ),
  346. 'membergrade' => array(
  347. 'ico' => '&#xe6a3;',
  348. 'text' => lang('ds_membergrade'),
  349. 'args' => 'index,Membergrade,member',
  350. ),
  351. 'exppoints' => array(
  352. 'ico' => '&#xe727;',
  353. 'text' => lang('ds_exppoints'),
  354. 'args' => 'index,Exppoints,member',
  355. ),
  356. 'notice' => array(
  357. 'ico' => '&#xe71b;',
  358. 'text' => lang('ds_notice'),
  359. 'args' => 'index,Notice,member',
  360. ),
  361. 'points' => array(
  362. 'ico' => '&#xe6f5;',
  363. 'text' => lang('ds_points'),
  364. 'args' => 'index,Points,member',
  365. ),
  366. 'predeposit' => array(
  367. 'ico' => '&#xe6e2;',
  368. 'text' => lang('ds_predeposit'),
  369. 'args' => 'pdrecharge_list,Predeposit,member',
  370. ),
  371. 'snsmalbum' => array(
  372. 'ico' => '&#xe72a;',
  373. 'text' => lang('ds_snsmalbum'),
  374. 'args' => 'index,Snsmalbum,member',
  375. ),
  376. 'snsmember' => array(
  377. 'ico' => '&#xe73e;',
  378. 'text' => lang('ds_snsmember'),
  379. 'args' => 'index,Snsmember,member',
  380. ),
  381. 'instant_message' => array(
  382. 'ico' => '&#xe71f;',
  383. 'text' => lang('instant_message'),
  384. 'args' => 'index,InstantMessage,member',
  385. ),
  386. ),
  387. ),
  388. 'goods' => array(
  389. 'name' => 'goods',
  390. 'text' => lang('ds_goods'),
  391. 'show' => TRUE,
  392. 'children' => array(
  393. 'goodsclass' => array(
  394. 'ico' => '&#xe652;',
  395. 'text' => lang('ds_goodsclass'),
  396. 'args' => 'goods_class,Goodsclass,goods',
  397. ),
  398. 'Brand' => array(
  399. 'ico' => '&#xe6b0;',
  400. 'text' => lang('ds_brand_manage'),
  401. 'args' => 'index,Brand,goods',
  402. ),
  403. 'Goods' => array(
  404. 'ico' => '&#xe732;',
  405. 'text' => lang('ds_goods_manage'),
  406. 'args' => 'index,Goods,goods',
  407. ),
  408. 'Type' => array(
  409. 'ico' => '&#xe728;',
  410. 'text' => lang('ds_type'),
  411. 'args' => 'index,Type,goods',
  412. ),
  413. 'Spec' => array(
  414. 'ico' => '&#xe71d;',
  415. 'text' => lang('ds_spec'),
  416. 'args' => 'index,Spec,goods',
  417. ),
  418. 'album' => array(
  419. 'ico' => '&#xe72a;',
  420. 'text' => lang('ds_album'),
  421. 'args' => 'index,Goodsalbum,goods',
  422. ),
  423. 'video' => array(
  424. 'ico' => '&#xe6fa;',
  425. 'text' => lang('ds_video'),
  426. 'args' => 'index,Goodsvideo,goods',
  427. ),
  428. 'Arrivalnotice' => array(
  429. 'ico' => '&#xe71b;',
  430. 'text' => lang('ds_arrivalnotice'),
  431. 'args' => 'index,Arrivalnotice,goods',
  432. ),
  433. ),
  434. ),
  435. 'store' => array(
  436. 'name' => 'store',
  437. 'text' => lang('ds_store'),
  438. 'show' => TRUE,
  439. 'children' => array(
  440. 'Store' => array(
  441. 'ico' => '&#xe6ec;',
  442. 'text' => lang('ds_store_manage'),
  443. 'args' => 'store,Store,store',
  444. ),
  445. 'Storemoney' => array(
  446. 'ico' => '&#xe6e2;',
  447. 'text' => lang('ds_store_money'),
  448. 'args' => 'index,Storemoney,store',
  449. ),
  450. 'Storedeposit' => array(
  451. 'ico' => '&#xe72b;',
  452. 'text' => lang('ds_store_deposit'),
  453. 'args' => 'index,Storedeposit,store',
  454. ),
  455. 'Storegrade' => array(
  456. 'ico' => '&#xe6a3;',
  457. 'text' => lang('ds_storegrade'),
  458. 'args' => 'index,Storegrade,store',
  459. ),
  460. 'Storeclass' => array(
  461. 'ico' => '&#xe652;',
  462. 'text' => lang('ds_storeclass'),
  463. 'args' => 'store_class,Storeclass,store',
  464. ),
  465. // 'Chain' => array(
  466. // 'ico'=>'&#xe69e;',
  467. // 'text' => lang('ds_chain'),
  468. // 'args' => 'index,Chain,store',
  469. // ),
  470. 'Storesnstrace' => array(
  471. 'ico' => '&#xe6ec;',
  472. 'text' => lang('ds_storesnstrace'),
  473. 'args' => 'index,Storesnstrace,store',
  474. ),
  475. 'Storehelp' => array(
  476. 'ico' => '&#xe6b4;',
  477. 'text' => lang('ds_Storehelp'),
  478. 'args' => 'index,Storehelp,store',
  479. ),
  480. 'Storejoin' => array(
  481. 'ico' => '&#xe6ff;',
  482. 'text' => lang('ds_storejoin'),
  483. 'args' => 'index,Storejoin,store',
  484. ),
  485. 'Ownshop' => array(
  486. 'ico' => '&#xe6ec;',
  487. 'text' => lang('ds_ownshop'),
  488. 'args' => 'index,Ownshop,store',
  489. ),
  490. ),
  491. ),
  492. 'trade' => array(
  493. 'name' => 'trade',
  494. 'text' => lang('ds_trade'),
  495. 'show' => TRUE,
  496. 'children' => array(
  497. 'order' => array(
  498. 'ico' => '&#xe69c;',
  499. 'text' => lang('ds_order'),
  500. 'args' => 'index,Order,trade',
  501. ),
  502. 'vrorder' => array(
  503. 'ico' => '&#xe71f;',
  504. 'text' => lang('ds_vrorder'),
  505. 'args' => 'index,Vrorder,trade',
  506. ),
  507. 'refund' => array(
  508. 'ico' => '&#xe6f3;',
  509. 'text' => lang('ds_refund'),
  510. 'args' => 'refund_manage,Refund,trade',
  511. ),
  512. 'return' => array(
  513. 'ico' => '&#xe6f3;',
  514. 'text' => lang('ds_return'),
  515. 'args' => 'return_manage,Returnmanage,trade',
  516. ),
  517. 'vrrefund' => array(
  518. 'ico' => '&#xe6f3;',
  519. 'text' => lang('ds_vrrefund'),
  520. 'args' => 'refund_manage,Vrrefund,trade',
  521. ),
  522. 'Bill' => array(
  523. 'ico' => '&#xe69c;',
  524. 'text' => lang('ds_bill_manage'),
  525. 'args' => 'show_statis,Bill,trade',
  526. ),
  527. 'consulting' => array(
  528. 'ico' => '&#xe71c;',
  529. 'text' => lang('ds_consulting'),
  530. 'args' => 'Consulting,Consulting,trade',
  531. ),
  532. 'inform' => array(
  533. 'ico' => '&#xe70c;',
  534. 'text' => lang('ds_inform'),
  535. 'args' => 'inform_list,Inform,trade',
  536. ),
  537. 'evaluate' => array(
  538. 'ico' => '&#xe6f2;',
  539. 'text' => lang('ds_evaluate'),
  540. 'args' => 'evalgoods_list,Evaluate,trade',
  541. ),
  542. 'complain' => array(
  543. 'ico' => '&#xe676;',
  544. 'text' => lang('ds_complain'),
  545. 'args' => 'complain_new_list,Complain,trade',
  546. ),
  547. ),
  548. ),
  549. 'website' => array(
  550. 'name' => 'website',
  551. 'text' => lang('ds_website'),
  552. 'show' => TRUE,
  553. 'children' => array(
  554. 'Articleclass' => array(
  555. 'ico' => '&#xe652;',
  556. 'text' => lang('ds_articleclass'),
  557. 'args' => 'index,Articleclass,website',
  558. ),
  559. 'Article' => array(
  560. 'ico' => '&#xe71d;',
  561. 'text' => lang('ds_article'),
  562. 'args' => 'index,Article,website',
  563. ),
  564. 'Document' => array(
  565. 'ico' => '&#xe74f;',
  566. 'text' => lang('ds_document'),
  567. 'args' => 'index,Document,website',
  568. ),
  569. 'Navigation' => array(
  570. 'ico' => '&#xe67d;',
  571. 'text' => lang('ds_navigation'),
  572. 'args' => 'index,Navigation,website',
  573. ),
  574. 'Adv' => array(
  575. 'ico' => '&#xe707;',
  576. 'text' => lang('ds_adv'),
  577. 'args' => 'ap_manage,Adv,website',
  578. ),
  579. 'EditablePagePc' => array(
  580. 'ico' => '&#xe60c;',
  581. 'text' => lang('editable_page_pc'),
  582. 'args' => 'page_list,EditablePage,website',
  583. ),
  584. 'EditablePageH5' => array(
  585. 'ico' => '&#xe601;',
  586. 'text' => lang('editable_page_h5'),
  587. 'args' => 'h5_page_list,EditablePage,website',
  588. ),
  589. 'Link' => array(
  590. 'ico' => '&#xe67d;',
  591. 'text' => lang('ds_friendlink'),
  592. 'args' => 'index,Link,website',
  593. ),
  594. 'Mallconsult' => array(
  595. 'ico' => '&#xe750;',
  596. 'text' => lang('ds_mall_consult'),
  597. 'args' => 'index,Mallconsult,website',
  598. ),
  599. 'Feedback' => array(
  600. 'ico' => '&#xe672;',
  601. 'text' => lang('ds_feedback'),
  602. 'args' => 'flist,Feedback,website',
  603. ),
  604. ),
  605. ),
  606. 'operation' => array(
  607. 'name' => 'operation',
  608. 'text' => lang('ds_operation'),
  609. 'show' => TRUE,
  610. 'children' => array(
  611. 'Operation' => array(
  612. 'ico' => '&#xe734;',
  613. 'text' => lang('ds_operation_set'),
  614. 'args' => 'index,Operation,operation',
  615. ),
  616. ),
  617. ),
  618. 'stat' => array(
  619. 'name' => 'stat',
  620. 'text' => lang('ds_stat'),
  621. 'show' => TRUE,
  622. 'children' => array(
  623. 'stat_general' => array(
  624. 'ico' => '&#xe734;',
  625. 'text' => lang('ds_statgeneral'),
  626. 'args' => 'general,Statgeneral,stat',
  627. ),
  628. 'stat_industry' => array(
  629. 'ico' => '&#xe745;',
  630. 'text' => lang('ds_statindustry'),
  631. 'args' => 'scale,Statindustry,stat',
  632. ),
  633. 'stat_member' => array(
  634. 'ico' => '&#xe73f;',
  635. 'text' => lang('ds_statmember'),
  636. 'args' => 'newmember,Statmember,stat',
  637. ),
  638. 'stat_store' => array(
  639. 'ico' => '&#xe6ec;',
  640. 'text' => lang('ds_statstore'),
  641. 'args' => 'newstore,Statstore,stat',
  642. ),
  643. 'stat_trade' => array(
  644. 'ico' => '&#xe745;',
  645. 'text' => lang('ds_stattrade'),
  646. 'args' => 'income,Stattrade,stat',
  647. ),
  648. 'stat_goods' => array(
  649. 'ico' => '&#xe732;',
  650. 'text' => lang('ds_statgoods'),
  651. 'args' => 'pricerange,Statgoods,stat',
  652. ),
  653. 'stat_marketing' => array(
  654. 'ico' => '&#xe745;',
  655. 'text' => lang('ds_statmarketing'),
  656. 'args' => 'promotion,Statmarketing,stat',
  657. ),
  658. 'stat_stataftersale' => array(
  659. 'ico' => '&#xe745;',
  660. 'text' => lang('ds_stataftersale'),
  661. 'args' => 'refund,Stataftersale,stat',
  662. ),
  663. ),
  664. ),
  665. 'mobile' => array(
  666. 'name' => 'mobile',
  667. 'text' => lang('mobile'),
  668. 'show' => TRUE,
  669. 'children' => array(
  670. 'app_appadv' => array(
  671. 'text' => lang('appadv'),
  672. 'args' => 'index,Appadv,mobile',
  673. ),
  674. ),
  675. ),
  676. 'wechat' => array(
  677. 'name' => 'wechat',
  678. 'text' => lang('wechat'),
  679. 'show' => TRUE,
  680. 'children' => array(
  681. 'wechat_setting' => array(
  682. 'ico' => '&#xe6e0;',
  683. 'text' => lang('wechat_setting'),
  684. 'args' => 'setting,Wechat,wechat',
  685. ),
  686. 'wechat_material' => array(
  687. 'ico' => '&#xe679;',
  688. 'text' => lang('wechat_material'),
  689. 'args' => 'material,Wechat,wechat',
  690. ),
  691. 'wechat_menu' => array(
  692. 'ico' => '&#xe679;',
  693. 'text' => lang('wechat_menu'),
  694. 'args' => 'menu,Wechat,wechat',
  695. ),
  696. 'wechat_keywords' => array(
  697. 'ico' => '&#xe672;',
  698. 'text' => lang('wechat_keywords'),
  699. 'args' => 'k_text,Wechat,wechat',
  700. ),
  701. 'wechat_member' => array(
  702. 'ico' => '&#xe729;',
  703. 'text' => lang('wechat_member'),
  704. 'args' => 'member,Wechat,wechat',
  705. ),
  706. 'wechat_push' => array(
  707. 'ico' => '&#xe71b;',
  708. 'text' => lang('wechat_push'),
  709. 'args' => 'SendList,Wechat,wechat',
  710. ),
  711. ),
  712. ),
  713. 'flea' => array(
  714. 'name' => 'flea',
  715. 'text' => lang('flea'),
  716. 'show' => FALSE,
  717. 'children' => array(
  718. 'flea_mes' => array(
  719. 'text' => lang('flea_mes'),
  720. 'args' => 'flea,Flea,flea',
  721. ),
  722. 'flea_index' => array(
  723. 'ico' => '&#xe6e0;',
  724. 'text' => lang('flea_seo'),
  725. 'args' => 'index,Fleaseo,flea',
  726. ),
  727. 'flea_class' => array(
  728. 'ico' => '&#xe652;',
  729. 'text' => lang('flea_class'),
  730. 'args' => 'flea_class,Fleaclass,flea',
  731. ),
  732. 'flea_class_index' => array(
  733. 'ico' => '&#xe652;',
  734. 'text' => lang('flea_class_index'),
  735. 'args' => 'flea_class_index,Fleaclassindex,flea',
  736. ),
  737. 'flea_region' => array(
  738. 'ico' => '&#xe720;',
  739. 'text' => lang('flea_region'),
  740. 'args' => 'flea_region,Flearegion,flea',
  741. ),
  742. 'flea_adv_manage' => array(
  743. 'ico' => '&#xe72a;',
  744. 'text' => lang('flea_adv_manage'),
  745. 'args' => 'adv_manage,Fleaseo,flea',
  746. ),
  747. ),
  748. ),
  749. 'live' => array(
  750. 'name' => 'live',
  751. 'text' => lang('ds_live'),
  752. 'show' => TRUE,
  753. 'children' => array(
  754. 'live_setting' => array(
  755. 'ico' => '&#xe71f;',
  756. 'text' => lang('live_setting'),
  757. 'args' => 'index,LiveSetting,live',
  758. ),
  759. 'live_apply' => array(
  760. 'ico' => '&#xe71f;',
  761. 'text' => lang('live_apply'),
  762. 'args' => 'index,LiveApply,live',
  763. ),
  764. 'live_goods' => array(
  765. 'ico' => '&#xe71f;',
  766. 'text' => lang('live_goods'),
  767. 'args' => 'index,LiveGoods,live',
  768. ),
  769. ),
  770. ),
  771. );
  772. }
  773. /*
  774. * 权限选择列表
  775. */
  776. function limitList()
  777. {
  778. $_limit = array(
  779. array('name' => lang('ds_setting'), 'child' => array(
  780. array('name' => lang('ds_base'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Config'),
  781. array('name' => lang('ds_account'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Account'),
  782. array('name' => lang('ds_upload_set'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Upload'),
  783. array('name' => lang('ds_seo_set'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Seo'),
  784. array('name' => lang('ds_payment'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Payment'),
  785. array('name' => lang('ds_message'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Message'),
  786. array('name' => lang('ds_admin'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Admin'),
  787. array('name' => lang('ds_express'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Express'),
  788. array('name' => lang('ds_region'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Region'),
  789. array('name' => lang('ds_db'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Database'),
  790. array('name' => lang('ds_adminlog'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Adminlog'),
  791. )),
  792. array('name' => lang('ds_goods'), 'child' => array(
  793. array('name' => lang('ds_goods_manage'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Goods'),
  794. array('name' => lang('ds_goodsclass'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Goodsclass'),
  795. array('name' => lang('ds_brand_manage'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Brand'),
  796. array('name' => lang('ds_type'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Type'),
  797. array('name' => lang('ds_spec'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Spec'),
  798. array('name' => lang('ds_album'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Goodsalbum'),
  799. array('name' => lang('ds_video'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Goodsvideo'),
  800. array('name' => lang('ds_arrivalnotice'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Arrivalnotice'),
  801. )),
  802. array('name' => lang('ds_store'), 'child' => array(
  803. array('name' => lang('ds_store_manage'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Store'),
  804. array('name' => lang('ds_store_money'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Storemoney'),
  805. array('name' => lang('ds_store_deposit'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Storedeposit'),
  806. array('name' => lang('ds_storegrade'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Storegrade'),
  807. array('name' => lang('ds_storeclass'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Storeclass'),
  808. // array('name' => lang('ds_chain'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Chain'),
  809. array('name' => lang('ds_storesnstrace'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Storesnstrace'),
  810. array('name' => lang('ds_Storehelp'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Storehelp'),
  811. array('name' => lang('ds_storejoin'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Storejoin'),
  812. array('name' => lang('ds_ownshop'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Ownshop'),
  813. )),
  814. array('name' => lang('ds_member'), 'child' => array(
  815. array('name' => lang('ds_member_manage'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Member'),
  816. array('name' => lang('member_auth'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'MemberAuth'),
  817. array('name' => lang('ds_membergrade'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Membergrade'),
  818. array('name' => lang('ds_exppoints'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Exppoints'),
  819. array('name' => lang('ds_notice'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Notice'),
  820. array('name' => lang('ds_points'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Points'),
  821. array('name' => lang('ds_snsmalbum'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Snsmalbum'),
  822. array('name' => lang('ds_snsmember'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Snsmember'),
  823. array('name' => lang('ds_predeposit'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Predeposit'),
  824. array('name' => lang('instant_message'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'InstantMessage'),
  825. )),
  826. array('name' => lang('ds_trade'), 'child' => array(
  827. array('name' => lang('ds_order'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Order'),
  828. array('name' => lang('ds_vrorder'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Vrorder'),
  829. array('name' => lang('ds_refund'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Refund'),
  830. array('name' => lang('ds_return'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Returnmanage'),
  831. array('name' => lang('ds_vrrefund'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Vrrefund'),
  832. array('name' => lang('ds_bill_manage'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Bill'),
  833. array('name' => lang('ds_consulting'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Consulting'),
  834. array('name' => lang('ds_inform'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Inform'),
  835. array('name' => lang('ds_evaluate'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Evaluate'),
  836. array('name' => lang('ds_complain'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Complain'),
  837. )),
  838. array('name' => lang('ds_website'), 'child' => array(
  839. array('name' => lang('ds_articleclass'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Articleclass'),
  840. array('name' => lang('ds_article'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Article'),
  841. array('name' => lang('ds_document'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Document'),
  842. array('name' => lang('ds_navigation'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Navigation'),
  843. array('name' => lang('ds_adv'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Adv'),
  844. array('name' => lang('editable_page_pc'), 'action' => 'page_list', 'controller' => 'EditablePage'),
  845. array('name' => lang('editable_page_h5'), 'action' => 'h5_page_list', 'controller' => 'EditablePage'),
  846. array('name' => lang('ds_friendlink'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Link'),
  847. array('name' => lang('ds_mall_consult'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Mallconsult'),
  848. array('name' => lang('ds_feedback'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Feedback'),
  849. )),
  850. array('name' => lang('ds_operation'), 'child' => array(
  851. array('name' => lang('ds_operation_set'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Operation|Promotionwholesale|Promotionxianshi|Promotionmansong|Promotionbundling|Promotionbooth|Groupbuy|Vrgroupbuy|Voucher|Promotionmgdiscount|Promotionpintuan|Promotionbargain|Activity|EditablePage|Inviter|Bonus|Marketmanage|Pointprod|Pointorder|Rechargecard|Flea|Fleaseo|Fleaclass|Fleaclassindex|Flearegion|Fleaseo|Promotionpresell'),
  852. )),
  853. array('name' => lang('ds_stat'), 'child' => array(
  854. array('name' => lang('ds_statgeneral'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Statgeneral'),
  855. array('name' => lang('ds_statindustry'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Statindustry'),
  856. array('name' => lang('ds_statmember'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Statmember'),
  857. array('name' => lang('ds_statstore'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Statstore'),
  858. array('name' => lang('ds_stattrade'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Stattrade'),
  859. array('name' => lang('ds_statgoods'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Statgoods'),
  860. array('name' => lang('ds_statmarketing'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Statmarketing'),
  861. array('name' => lang('ds_stataftersale'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Stataftersale'),
  862. )),
  863. array('name' => lang('mobile'), 'child' => array(
  864. array('name' => lang('appadv'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'Appadv'),
  865. )),
  866. array('name' => lang('wechat'), 'child' => array(
  867. array('name' => lang('wechat_setting'), 'action' => 'setting', 'controller' => 'Wechat'),
  868. array('name' => lang('wechat_template_message'), 'action' => 'template_message', 'controller' => 'Wechat'),
  869. array('name' => lang('wechat_menu'), 'action' => 'menu', 'controller' => 'Wechat'),
  870. array('name' => lang('wechat_keywords'), 'action' => 'k_text', 'controller' => 'Wechat'),
  871. array('name' => lang('wechat_member'), 'action' => 'member', 'controller' => 'Wechat'),
  872. array('name' => lang('wechat_push'), 'action' => 'SendList', 'controller' => 'Wechat'),
  873. )),
  874. array('name' => lang('ds_live'), 'child' => array(
  875. array('name' => lang('live_setting'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'LiveSetting'),
  876. array('name' => lang('live_apply'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'LiveApply'),
  877. array('name' => lang('live_goods'), 'action' => null, 'controller' => 'LiveGoods'),
  878. )),
  879. );
  880. return $_limit;
  881. }
  882. }