123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273 |
- <?php
- namespace app\admin\controller;
- use think\facade\View;
- use think\facade\Lang;
- /**
- * ============================================================================
- * DSMall多用户商城
- * ============================================================================
- * 版权所有 2014-2028 长沙德尚网络科技有限公司,并保留所有权利。
- * 网站地址: http://www.csdeshang.com
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和使用 .
- * 不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。
- * ============================================================================
- * 控制器
- */
- class Statgeneral extends AdminControl
- {
- public function initialize()
- {
- parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
- include_once root_path(). 'extend/mall/statistics.php';
- Lang::load(base_path() . 'admin/lang/'.config('lang.default_lang').'/stat.lang.php');
- }
- /**
- * 促销分析
- */
- public function general()
- {
- $stat_model = model('stat');
- //统计的日期0点
- $stat_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', TIMESTAMP)) - 86400;
- /*
- * 昨日最新情报
- */
- $stime = $stat_time;
- $etime = $stat_time + 86400 - 1;
- $statnew_arr = array();
- //查询订单表下单量、下单金额、下单客户数、平均客单价
- $where = array();
- $where[] = array('order_isvalid','=',1); //计入统计的有效订单
- $where[] = array('order_add_time','between',array($stime, $etime));
- $field = ' COUNT(*) as ordernum, SUM(order_amount) as orderamount, COUNT(DISTINCT buyer_id) as ordermembernum, AVG(order_amount) as orderavg ';
- $stat_order = $stat_model->getoneByStatorder($where, $field);
- $statnew_arr['ordernum'] = ($t = $stat_order['ordernum']) ? $t : 0;
- $statnew_arr['orderamount'] = ds_price_format(($t = $stat_order['orderamount']) ? $t : (0));
- $statnew_arr['ordermembernum'] = ($t = $stat_order['ordermembernum']) ? $t : 0;
- $statnew_arr['orderavg'] = ds_price_format(($t = $stat_order['orderavg']) ? $t : 0);
- unset($stat_order);
- //查询订单商品表下单商品数
- $where = array();
- $where[] = array('order_isvalid','=',1);//计入统计的有效订单
- $where[] = array('order_add_time','between',array($stime, $etime));
- $field = ' SUM(goods_num) as ordergoodsnum,AVG(goods_pay_price/goods_num) as priceavg ';
- $stat_ordergoods = $stat_model->getoneByStatordergoods($where, $field);
- $statnew_arr['ordergoodsnum'] = ($t = $stat_ordergoods['ordergoodsnum']) ? $t : 0;
- $statnew_arr['priceavg'] = ds_price_format(($t = $stat_ordergoods['priceavg']) ? $t : 0);
- unset($stat_ordergoods);
- //新增会员数
- $where = array();
- $where[] = array('member_addtime','between',array($stime, $etime));
- $field = ' COUNT(*) as newmember ';
- $stat_member = $stat_model->getOneByMember($where, $field);
- $statnew_arr['newmember'] = ($t = $stat_member['newmember']) ? $t : 0;
- unset($stat_member);
- //会员总数
- $where = array();
- $field = ' COUNT(*) as membernum ';
- $stat_member = $stat_model->getOneByMember($where, $field);
- $statnew_arr['membernum'] = ($t = $stat_member['membernum']) ? $t : 0;
- unset($stat_member);
- //新增店铺
- $where = array();
- $where[] = array('store_addtime','between',array($stime, $etime));
- $field = ' COUNT(*) as newstore ';
- $stat_store = $stat_model->getOneByStore($where, $field);
- $statnew_arr['newstore'] = ($t = $stat_store['newstore']) ? $t : 0;
- unset($stat_store);
- //店铺总数
- $where = array();
- $field = ' COUNT(*) as storenum ';
- $stat_store = $stat_model->getOneByStore($where, $field);
- $statnew_arr['storenum'] = ($t = $stat_store['storenum']) ? $t : 0;
- unset($stat_store);
- //新增商品,商品总数
- $goods_list = $stat_model->statByGoods(array('is_virtual' => 0), "COUNT(*) as goodsnum, SUM(IF(goods_addtime>=$stime and goods_addtime<=$etime,'1',0)) as newgoods");
- $statnew_arr['goodsnum'] = ($t = $goods_list[0]['goodsnum']) > 0 ? $t : 0;
- $statnew_arr['newgoods'] = ($t = $goods_list[0]['newgoods']) > 0 ? $t : 0;
- /*
- * 昨日销售走势
- */
- //构造横轴数据
- for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
- //统计图数据
- $curr_arr[$i] = 0;//今天
- $up_arr[$i] = 0;//昨天
- //横轴
- $stat_arr['xAxis']['categories'][] = "$i";
- }
- $stime = $stat_time - 86400;//昨天0点
- $etime = $stat_time + 86400 - 1;//今天24点
- $yesterday_day = @date('d', $stime);//昨天日期
- $today_day = @date('d', $etime);//今天日期
- $where = array();
- $where[] = array('order_isvalid','=',1);//计入统计的有效订单
- $where[] = array('order_add_time','between',array($stime, $etime));
- $field = ' SUM(order_amount) as orderamount,DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(order_add_time)) as dayval,HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(order_add_time)) as hourval ';
- $stat_order = $stat_model->statByStatorder($where, $field, 0, 0, '', 'dayval,hourval');
- if ($stat_order) {
- foreach ($stat_order as $k => $v) {
- if ($today_day == $v['dayval']) {
- $curr_arr[$v['hourval']] = intval($v['orderamount']);
- }
- if ($yesterday_day == $v['dayval']) {
- $up_arr[$v['hourval']] = intval($v['orderamount']);
- }
- }
- }
- $stat_arr['series'][0]['name'] = lang('yestoday');
- $stat_arr['series'][0]['data'] = array_values($up_arr);
- $stat_arr['series'][1]['name'] = lang('today');
- $stat_arr['series'][1]['data'] = array_values($curr_arr);
- //得到统计图数据
- $stat_arr['title'] = date('Y-m-d', $stat_time) . lang('sale_trend');
- $stat_arr['yAxis'] = lang('stattrade_order_amount');
- $stattoday_json = getStatData_LineLabels($stat_arr);
- unset($stat_arr);
- /*
- * 7日内店铺销售TOP30
- */
- $stime = $stat_time - 86400 * 6;//7天前0点
- $etime = $stat_time + 86400 - 1;//今天24点
- $where = array();
- $where[] = array('order_isvalid','=',1);//计入统计的有效订单
- $where[] = array('order_add_time','between',array($stime, $etime));
- $field = ' SUM(order_amount) as orderamount, store_id, store_name ';
- $storetop30_arr = $stat_model->statByStatorder($where, $field, 0, 0, 'orderamount desc', 'store_id');
- /*
- * 7日内商品销售TOP30
- */
- $stime = $stat_time - 86400 * 6;//7天前0点
- $etime = $stat_time + 86400 - 1;//今天24点
- $where = array();
- $where[] = array('order_isvalid','=',1);//计入统计的有效订单
- $where[] = array('order_add_time','between',array($stime, $etime));
- $field = ' sum(goods_num) as ordergoodsnum, goods_id, goods_name ';
- $goodstop30_arr = $stat_model->statByStatordergoods($where, $field, 0, 30, 'ordergoodsnum desc', 'goods_id');
- View::assign('goodstop30_arr', $goodstop30_arr);
- View::assign('storetop30_arr', $storetop30_arr);
- View::assign('stattoday_json', $stattoday_json);
- View::assign('statnew_arr', $statnew_arr);
- View::assign('stat_time', $stat_time);
- $this->setAdminCurItem('general');
- return View::fetch();
- }
- /**
- * 统计设置
- */
- public function setting()
- {
- $config_model = model('config');
- if (request()->isPost()) {
- $update_array = array();
- $pricerange_temp_array = input('post.pricerange/a');
- if (is_array($pricerange_temp_array)) {
- foreach ($pricerange_temp_array as $k => $v) {
- if(!is_numeric($v['s']) || !is_numeric($v['e'])){
- $this->error(lang('is_numeric_error'));
- }
- if($v['s']<0 || $v['e']<0){
- $this->error(lang('is_zero_error'));
- }
- if($v['s']>$v['e']){
- $this->error(lang('amount_set_error'));
- }
- $pricerange_arr[] = $v;
- }
- $update_array['stat_pricerange'] = serialize($pricerange_arr);
- } else {
- $update_array['stat_pricerange'] = '';
- }
- $result = $config_model->editConfig($update_array);
- if ($result === true) {
- $this->log(lang('ds_edit') . lang('stat_setting'), 1);
- $this->success(lang('ds_common_save_succ'));
- } else {
- $this->log(lang('ds_edit') . lang('stat_setting'), 0);
- $this->error(lang('ds_common_save_fail'));
- }
- } else {
- $list_setting = rkcache('config', true);
- $list_setting['stat_pricerange'] = unserialize($list_setting['stat_pricerange']);
- View::assign('list_setting', $list_setting);
- $this->setAdminCurItem('setting');
- return View::fetch();
- }
- }
- /**
- * 统计设置
- */
- public function orderprange()
- {
- $config_model = model('config');
- if (request()->isPost()) {
- $update_array = array();
- $pricerange_temp_array = input('post.pricerange/a');
- if (is_array($pricerange_temp_array)) {
- foreach ($pricerange_temp_array as $k => $v) {
- if(!is_numeric($v['s']) || !is_numeric($v['e'])){
- $this->error(lang('is_numeric_error'));
- }
- if($v['s']<0 || $v['e']<0){
- $this->error(lang('is_zero_error'));
- }
- if($v['s']>$v['e']){
- $this->error(lang('amount_set_error'));
- }
- $pricerange_arr[] = $v;
- }
- $update_array['stat_orderpricerange'] = serialize($pricerange_arr);
- }
- else {
- $update_array['stat_orderpricerange'] = '';
- }
- $result = $config_model->editConfig($update_array);
- if ($result === true) {
- $this->log(lang('ds_edit').lang('stat_setting'), 1);
- $this->success(lang('ds_common_save_succ'));
- }
- else {
- $this->log(lang('ds_edit').lang('stat_setting'), 0);
- $this->error(lang('ds_common_save_fail'));
- }
- } else {
- $list_setting = rkcache('config', true);
- $list_setting['stat_orderpricerange'] = unserialize($list_setting['stat_orderpricerange']);
- View::assign('list_setting', $list_setting);
- $this->setAdminCurItem('orderprange');
- return View::fetch();
- }
- }
- protected function getAdminItemList()
- {
- $menu_array = array(
- array(
- 'name' => 'general', 'text' => lang('stat_generalindex'), 'url' => (string)url('Statgeneral/general')
- ), array(
- 'name' => 'setting', 'text' => lang('stat_goodspricerange'), 'url' => (string)url('Statgeneral/setting')
- ), array(
- 'name' => 'orderprange', 'text' => lang('stat_orderpricerange'), 'url' => (string)url('Statgeneral/orderprange')
- )
- );
- return $menu_array;
- }
- }