search_arr = input('param.'); //处理搜索时间 if (in_array(request()->action(), array('pricerange', 'hotgoods', 'goods_sale'))) { $this->search_arr = $stat_model->dealwithSearchTime($this->search_arr); //获得系统年份 $year_arr = getSystemYearArr(); //获得系统月份 $month_arr = getSystemMonthArr(); //获得本月的周时间段 $week_arr = getMonthWeekArr($this->search_arr['week']['current_year'], $this->search_arr['week']['current_month']); View::assign('year_arr', $year_arr); View::assign('month_arr', $month_arr); View::assign('week_arr', $week_arr); } View::assign('search_arr', $this->search_arr); /** * 处理商品分类 */ $this->choose_gcid = ($t = intval(input('param.choose_gcid'))) > 0 ? $t : 0; $gccache_arr = model('goodsclass')->getGoodsclassCache($this->choose_gcid, 3); $this->gc_arr = $gccache_arr['showclass']; View::assign('gc_json', json_encode($gccache_arr['showclass'])); View::assign('gc_choose_json', json_encode($gccache_arr['choose_gcid'])); } /** * 价格区间统计 */ public function pricerange() { if (!isset($this->search_arr['search_type']) || !$this->search_arr['search_type']) { $this->search_arr['search_type'] = 'day'; } $stat_model = model('stat'); //获得搜索的开始时间和结束时间 $searchtime_arr = $stat_model->getStarttimeAndEndtime($this->search_arr); $where = array(); $where[] = array('order_isvalid', '=', 1); //计入统计的有效订单 $where[] = array('order_add_time', 'between', $searchtime_arr); //商品分类 if ($this->choose_gcid > 0) { //获得分类深度 $depth = $this->gc_arr[$this->choose_gcid]['depth']; $where[] = array('gc_parentid_' . $depth, '=', $this->choose_gcid); } $field = '1'; $pricerange_arr = ($t = trim(cache('config')['stat_pricerange'])) ? unserialize($t) : ''; if ($pricerange_arr) { $stat_arr['series'][0]['name'] = lang('statstore_ordernum'); //设置价格区间最后一项,最后一项只有开始值没有结束值 $pricerange_count = count($pricerange_arr); if ($pricerange_arr[$pricerange_count - 1]['e']) { $pricerange_arr[$pricerange_count]['s'] = $pricerange_arr[$pricerange_count - 1]['e'] + 1; $pricerange_arr[$pricerange_count]['e'] = ''; } foreach ((array)$pricerange_arr as $k => $v) { $v['s'] = intval($v['s']); $v['e'] = intval($v['e']); //构造查询字段 if ($v['e']) { $field .= " ,SUM(IF(goods_pay_price/goods_num > {$v['s']} and goods_pay_price/goods_num <= {$v['e']},goods_num,0)) as goodsnum_{$k}"; } else { $field .= " ,SUM(IF(goods_pay_price/goods_num > {$v['s']},goods_num,0)) as goodsnum_{$k}"; } } $ordergooods_list = Db::query('SELECT ' . $field . ' FROM ' . config('database.connections.mysql.prefix') . 'statordergoods WHERE order_isvalid=1 AND order_add_time BETWEEN ' . $searchtime_arr[0] . ' AND ' . $searchtime_arr[1] . ($this->choose_gcid > 0 ? (' AND gc_parentid_' . $depth . '=' . $this->choose_gcid) : '')); if ($ordergooods_list) { $ordergooods_list = current($ordergooods_list); foreach ((array)$pricerange_arr as $k => $v) { //横轴 if ($v['e']) { $stat_arr['xAxis']['categories'][] = $v['s'] . '-' . $v['e']; } else { $stat_arr['xAxis']['categories'][] = $v['s'] . lang('above'); } //统计图数据 if (isset($ordergooods_list['goodsnum_' . $k])) { $stat_arr['series'][0]['data'][] = intval($ordergooods_list['goodsnum_' . $k]); } else { $stat_arr['series'][0]['data'][] = 0; } } } //得到统计图数据 $stat_arr['title'] = lang('statgoods_price_distribution'); $stat_arr['legend']['enabled'] = false; $stat_arr['yAxis'] = lang('ds_order_sn'); $pricerange_statjson = getStatData_LineLabels($stat_arr); } else { $pricerange_statjson = ''; } View::assign('pricerange_statjson', $pricerange_statjson); View::assign('searchtime', implode('|', $searchtime_arr)); $this->setAdminCurItem('pricerange'); return View::fetch('stat_goods_prange'); } /** * 热卖商品 */ public function hotgoods() { if (!isset($this->search_arr['search_type']) || !$this->search_arr['search_type']) { $this->search_arr['search_type'] = 'day'; } $stat_model = model('stat'); //获得搜索的开始时间和结束时间 $searchtime_arr = $stat_model->getStarttimeAndEndtime($this->search_arr); View::assign('searchtime', implode('|', $searchtime_arr)); $this->setAdminCurItem('hotgoods'); return View::fetch('stat_goods_hotgoods'); } /** * 热卖商品列表 */ public function hotgoods_list() { $stat_model = model('stat'); $type = input('param.type'); switch ($type) { case 'goodsnum': $sort_text = lang('statstore_ordernum'); break; default: $type = 'orderamount'; $sort_text = lang('statstore_orderamount'); break; } //构造横轴数据 for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++) { //数据 $stat_arr['series'][0]['data'][] = array('name' => '', 'y' => 0); //横轴 $stat_arr['xAxis']['categories'][] = "$i"; } $where = array(); $where[] = array('order_isvalid', '=', 1); //计入统计的有效订单 $searchtime_arr_tmp = explode('|', $this->search_arr['t']); foreach ((array)$searchtime_arr_tmp as $k => $v) { $searchtime_arr[] = intval($v); } $where[] = array('order_add_time', 'between', $searchtime_arr); //商品分类 if ($this->choose_gcid > 0) { //获得分类深度 $depth = $this->gc_arr[$this->choose_gcid]['depth']; $where[] = array('gc_parentid_' . $depth, '=', $this->choose_gcid); } //查询统计数据 $field = ' goods_id,goods_name '; switch ($type) { case 'goodsnum': $field .= ' ,SUM(goods_num) as goodsnum '; $orderby = 'goodsnum desc'; break; default: $type = 'orderamount'; $field .= ' ,SUM(goods_pay_price) as orderamount '; $orderby = 'orderamount desc'; break; } $orderby .= ',goods_id'; $statlist = $stat_model->statByStatordergoods($where, $field, 0, 50, $orderby, 'goods_id'); foreach ((array)$statlist as $k => $v) { switch ($type) { case 'goodsnum': $stat_arr['series'][0]['data'][$k] = array('name' => strval($v['goods_name']), 'y' => intval($v[input('get.type')])); break; case 'orderamount': $stat_arr['series'][0]['data'][$k] = array('name' => strval($v['goods_name']), 'y' => floatval($v[input('get.type')])); break; } $statlist[$k]['sort'] = $k + 1; } $stat_arr['series'][0]['name'] = $sort_text; $stat_arr['legend']['enabled'] = false; //得到统计图数据 $stat_arr['title'] = lang('statgoods_hot_top_50'); $stat_arr['yAxis'] = $sort_text; $stat_json = getStatData_Column2D($stat_arr); View::assign('stat_json', $stat_json); View::assign('statlist', $statlist); View::assign('sort_text', $sort_text); View::assign('stat_field', $type); echo View::fetch('stat_hotgoods_list'); } /** * 商品销售明细 */ public function goods_sale() { if (!isset($this->search_arr['search_type']) || !$this->search_arr['search_type']) { $this->search_arr['search_type'] = 'day'; } $stat_model = model('stat'); //获得搜索的开始时间和结束时间 $searchtime_arr = $stat_model->getStarttimeAndEndtime($this->search_arr); //获取相关数据 $where = array(); $where[] = array('order_isvalid', '=', 1); //计入统计的有效订单 $where[] = array('order_add_time', 'between', $searchtime_arr); //品牌 $brand_id = intval(input('param.b_id')); if ($brand_id > 0) { $where[] = array('brand_id', '=', $brand_id); } //商品分类 if ($this->choose_gcid > 0) { //获得分类深度 $depth = $this->gc_arr[$this->choose_gcid]['depth']; $where[] = array('gc_parentid_' . $depth, '=', $this->choose_gcid); } if (trim(input('param.goods_name'))) { $where[] = array('goods_name', 'like', '%' . trim(input('param.goods_name')) . '%'); } if (trim(input('param.store_name'))) { $where[] = array('store_name', 'like', '%' . trim(input('param.store_name')) . '%'); } $field = 'goods_id,goods_name,store_id,store_name,goods_commonid,SUM(goods_num) as goodsnum,COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) as ordernum,SUM(goods_pay_price) as goodsamount'; //排序 $orderby_arr = array('goodsnum asc', 'goodsnum desc', 'ordernum asc', 'ordernum desc', 'goodsamount asc', 'goodsamount desc'); if (!isset($this->search_arr['orderby']) || !in_array(trim($this->search_arr['orderby']), $orderby_arr)) { $this->search_arr['orderby'] = 'goodsnum desc'; } $orderby = trim($this->search_arr['orderby']) . ',goods_id asc'; //查询记录总条数 $count_arr = $stat_model->getoneByStatordergoods($where, 'COUNT(DISTINCT goods_id) as countnum'); $countnum = intval($count_arr['countnum']); if (input('param.exporttype') == 'excel') { $goods_list = $stat_model->statByStatordergoods($where, $field, 0, 0, $orderby, 'goods_id'); } else { $goods_list = $stat_model->statByStatordergoods($where, $field, 10, 0, $orderby, 'goods_id'); } //导出Excel if (input('param.exporttype') == 'excel') { //导出Excel $excel_obj = new \excel\Excel(); $excel_data = array(); //设置样式 $excel_obj->setStyle(array('id' => 's_title', 'Font' => array('FontName' => '宋体', 'Size' => '12', 'Bold' => '1'))); //header $excel_data[0][] = array('styleid' => 's_title', 'data' => lang('ds_goods_name')); $excel_data[0][] = array('styleid' => 's_title', 'data' => lang('goods_commonid')); $excel_data[0][] = array('styleid' => 's_title', 'data' => lang('ds_store_name')); $excel_data[0][] = array('styleid' => 's_title', 'data' => lang('goodsnum')); $excel_data[0][] = array('styleid' => 's_title', 'data' => lang('statstore_ordernum')); $excel_data[0][] = array('styleid' => 's_title', 'data' => lang('statstore_orderamount')); //data foreach ($goods_list as $k => $v) { $excel_data[$k + 1][] = array('data' => $v['goods_name']); $excel_data[$k + 1][] = array('data' => $v['goods_commonid']); $excel_data[$k + 1][] = array('data' => $v['store_name']); $excel_data[$k + 1][] = array('data' => $v['goodsnum']); $excel_data[$k + 1][] = array('data' => $v['ordernum']); $excel_data[$k + 1][] = array('data' => $v['goodsamount']); } $excel_data = $excel_obj->charset($excel_data, CHARSET); $excel_obj->addArray($excel_data); $excel_obj->addWorksheet($excel_obj->charset(lang('stat_goods_sale'), CHARSET)); $excel_obj->generateXML($excel_obj->charset(lang('stat_goods_sale'), CHARSET) . date('Y-m-d-H', TIMESTAMP)); exit(); } else { //查询品牌 $brand_list = model('brand')->getBrandList(array('brand_apply' => 1)); View::assign('brand_list', $brand_list); View::assign('goods_list', $goods_list); View::assign('show_page', $stat_model->page_info->render()); View::assign('orderby', $this->search_arr['orderby']); $this->setAdminCurItem('goods_sale'); return View::fetch('stat_goodssale'); } } protected function getAdminItemList() { $menu_array = array( array('name' => 'pricerange', 'text' => lang('stat_goods_pricerange'), 'url' => (string)url('Statgoods/pricerange')), array('name' => 'hotgoods', 'text' => lang('stat_hotgoods'), 'url' => (string)url('Statgoods/hotgoods')), array('name' => 'goods_sale', 'text' => lang('stat_goods_sale'), 'url' => (string)url('Statgoods/goods_sale')), ); return $menu_array; } }