<?php namespace GatewayClient; use \Exception; /** * This file is part of workerman. * * Licensed under The MIT License * For full copyright and license information, please see the MIT-LICENSE.txt * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @author walkor<walkor@workerman.net> * @copyright walkor<walkor@workerman.net> * @link http://www.workerman.net/ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License */ /** * 数据发送相关 * @version 3.0.12 */ /** * 数据发送相关 */ class Gateway { /** * gateway 实例 * * @var object */ protected static $businessWorker = null; /** * 注册中心地址 * * @var string|array */ public static $registerAddress = ''; /** * 秘钥 * @var string */ public static $secretKey = ''; /** * 链接超时时间 * @var int */ public static $connectTimeout = 3; /** * 与Gateway是否是长链接 * @var bool */ public static $persistentConnection = false; /** * 向所有客户端连接(或者 client_id_array 指定的客户端连接)广播消息 * * @param string $message 向客户端发送的消息 * @param array $client_id_array 客户端 id 数组 * @param array $exclude_client_id 不给这些client_id发 * @param bool $raw 是否发送原始数据(即不调用gateway的协议的encode方法) * @return void * @throws Exception */ public static function sendToAll($message, $client_id_array = null, $exclude_client_id = null, $raw = false) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_SEND_TO_ALL; $gateway_data['body'] = $message; if ($raw) { $gateway_data['flag'] |= GatewayProtocol::FLAG_NOT_CALL_ENCODE; } if ($exclude_client_id) { if (!is_array($exclude_client_id)) { $exclude_client_id = array($exclude_client_id); } if ($client_id_array) { $exclude_client_id = array_flip($exclude_client_id); } } if ($client_id_array) { if (!is_array($client_id_array)) { echo new \Exception('bad $client_id_array:'.var_export($client_id_array, true)); return; } $data_array = array(); foreach ($client_id_array as $client_id) { if (isset($exclude_client_id[$client_id])) { continue; } $address = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); if ($address) { $key = long2ip($address['local_ip']) . ":{$address['local_port']}"; $data_array[$key][$address['connection_id']] = $address['connection_id']; } } foreach ($data_array as $addr => $connection_id_list) { $the_gateway_data = $gateway_data; $the_gateway_data['ext_data'] = json_encode(array('connections' => $connection_id_list)); static::sendToGateway($addr, $the_gateway_data); } return; } elseif (empty($client_id_array) && is_array($client_id_array)) { return; } if (!$exclude_client_id) { return static::sendToAllGateway($gateway_data); } $address_connection_array = static::clientIdArrayToAddressArray($exclude_client_id); // 如果有businessWorker实例,说明运行在workerman环境中,通过businessWorker中的长连接发送数据 if (static::$businessWorker) { foreach (static::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections as $address => $gateway_connection) { $gateway_data['ext_data'] = isset($address_connection_array[$address]) ? json_encode(array('exclude'=> $address_connection_array[$address])) : ''; /** @var TcpConnection $gateway_connection */ $gateway_connection->send($gateway_data); } } // 运行在其它环境中,通过注册中心得到gateway地址 else { $all_addresses = static::getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister(); foreach ($all_addresses as $address) { $gateway_data['ext_data'] = isset($address_connection_array[$address]) ? json_encode(array('exclude'=> $address_connection_array[$address])) : ''; static::sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data); } } } /** * 向某个client_id对应的连接发消息 * * @param int $client_id * @param string $message * @return void */ public static function sendToClient($client_id, $message) { return static::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_SEND_TO_ONE, $message); } /** * 判断某个uid是否在线 * * @param string $uid * @return int 0|1 */ public static function isUidOnline($uid) { return (int)static::getClientIdByUid($uid); } /** * 判断client_id对应的连接是否在线 * * @param int $client_id * @return int 0|1 */ public static function isOnline($client_id) { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); if (!$address_data) { return 0; } $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; if (isset(static::$businessWorker)) { if (!isset(static::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections[$address])) { return 0; } } $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_IS_ONLINE; $gateway_data['connection_id'] = $address_data['connection_id']; return (int)static::sendAndRecv($address, $gateway_data); } /** * 获取所有在线用户的session,client_id为 key(弃用,请用getAllClientSessions代替) * * @param string $group * @return array */ public static function getAllClientInfo($group = '') { echo "Warning: Gateway::getAllClientInfo is deprecated and will be removed in a future, please use Gateway::getAllClientSessions instead."; return static::getAllClientSessions($group); } /** * 获取所有在线client_id的session,client_id为 key * * @param string $group * @return array */ public static function getAllClientSessions($group = '') { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; if (!$group) { $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_ALL_CLIENT_SESSIONS; } else { $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_CLIENT_SESSIONS_BY_GROUP; $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $group; } $status_data = array(); $all_buffer_array = static::getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data); foreach ($all_buffer_array as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $data) { if ($data) { foreach ($data as $connection_id => $session_buffer) { $client_id = Context::addressToClientId($local_ip, $local_port, $connection_id); if ($client_id === Context::$client_id) { $status_data[$client_id] = (array)$_SESSION; } else { $status_data[$client_id] = $session_buffer ? Context::sessionDecode($session_buffer) : array(); } } } } } return $status_data; } /** * 获取某个组的连接信息(弃用,请用getClientSessionsByGroup代替) * * @param string $group * @return array */ public static function getClientInfoByGroup($group) { echo "Warning: Gateway::getClientInfoByGroup is deprecated and will be removed in a future, please use Gateway::getClientSessionsByGroup instead."; return static::getAllClientSessions($group); } /** * 获取某个组的所有client_id的session信息 * * @param string $group * * @return array */ public static function getClientSessionsByGroup($group) { if (static::isValidGroupId($group)) { return static::getAllClientSessions($group); } return array(); } /** * 获取所有在线client_id数 * * @return int */ public static function getAllClientIdCount() { return static::getClientCountByGroup(); } /** * 获取所有在线client_id数(getAllClientIdCount的别名) * * @return int */ public static function getAllClientCount() { return static::getAllClientIdCount(); } /** * 获取某个组的在线client_id数 * * @param string $group * @return int */ public static function getClientIdCountByGroup($group = '') { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_CLIENT_COUNT_BY_GROUP; $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $group; $total_count = 0; $all_buffer_array = static::getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data); foreach ($all_buffer_array as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $count) { if ($count) { $total_count += $count; } } } return $total_count; } /** * getClientIdCountByGroup 函数的别名 * * @param string $group * @return int */ public static function getClientCountByGroup($group = '') { return static::getClientIdCountByGroup($group); } /** * 获取某个群组在线client_id列表 * * @param string $group * @return array */ public static function getClientIdListByGroup($group) { if (!static::isValidGroupId($group)) { return array(); } $data = static::select(array('uid'), array('groups' => is_array($group) ? $group : array($group))); $client_id_map = array(); foreach ($data as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $items) { //$items = ['connection_id'=>['uid'=>x, 'group'=>[x,x..], 'session'=>[..]], 'client_id'=>[..], ..]; foreach ($items as $connection_id => $info) { $client_id = Context::addressToClientId($local_ip, $local_port, $connection_id); $client_id_map[$client_id] = $client_id; } } } return $client_id_map; } /** * 获取集群所有在线client_id列表 * * @return array */ public static function getAllClientIdList() { return static::formatClientIdFromGatewayBuffer(static::select(array('uid'))); } /** * 格式化client_id * * @param $data * @return array */ protected static function formatClientIdFromGatewayBuffer($data) { $client_id_list = array(); foreach ($data as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $items) { //$items = ['connection_id'=>['uid'=>x, 'group'=>[x,x..], 'session'=>[..]], 'client_id'=>[..], ..]; foreach ($items as $connection_id => $info) { $client_id = Context::addressToClientId($local_ip, $local_port, $connection_id); $client_id_list[$client_id] = $client_id; } } } return $client_id_list; } /** * 获取与 uid 绑定的 client_id 列表 * * @param string $uid * @return array */ public static function getClientIdByUid($uid) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_CLIENT_ID_BY_UID; $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $uid; $client_list = array(); $all_buffer_array = static::getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data); foreach ($all_buffer_array as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $connection_id_array) { if ($connection_id_array) { foreach ($connection_id_array as $connection_id) { $client_list[] = Context::addressToClientId($local_ip, $local_port, $connection_id); } } } } return $client_list; } /** * 获取某个群组在线uid列表 * * @param string $group * @return array */ public static function getUidListByGroup($group) { if (!static::isValidGroupId($group)) { return array(); } $group = is_array($group) ? $group : array($group); $data = static::select(array('uid'), array('groups' => $group)); $uid_map = array(); foreach ($data as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $items) { //$items = ['connection_id'=>['uid'=>x, 'group'=>[x,x..], 'session'=>[..]], 'client_id'=>[..], ..]; foreach ($items as $connection_id => $info) { if (!empty($info['uid'])) { $uid_map[$info['uid']] = $info['uid']; } } } } return $uid_map; } /** * 获取某个群组在线uid数 * * @param string $group * @return int */ public static function getUidCountByGroup($group) { if (static::isValidGroupId($group)) { return count(static::getUidListByGroup($group)); } return 0; } /** * 获取全局在线uid列表 * * @return array */ public static function getAllUidList() { $data = static::select(array('uid')); $uid_map = array(); foreach ($data as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $items) { //$items = ['connection_id'=>['uid'=>x, 'group'=>[x,x..], 'session'=>[..]], 'client_id'=>[..], ..]; foreach ($items as $connection_id => $info) { if (!empty($info['uid'])) { $uid_map[$info['uid']] = $info['uid']; } } } } return $uid_map; } /** * 获取全局在线uid数 * @return int */ public static function getAllUidCount() { return count(static::getAllUidList()); } /** * 通过client_id获取uid * * @param $client_id * @return mixed */ public static function getUidByClientId($client_id) { $data = static::select(array('uid'), array('client_id'=>array($client_id))); foreach ($data as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $items) { //$items = ['connection_id'=>['uid'=>x, 'group'=>[x,x..], 'session'=>[..]], 'client_id'=>[..], ..]; foreach ($items as $info) { return $info['uid']; } } } } /** * 获取所有在线的群组id * * @return array */ public static function getAllGroupIdList() { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_GROUP_ID_LIST; $group_id_list = array(); $all_buffer_array = static::getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data); foreach ($all_buffer_array as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $group_id_array) { if (is_array($group_id_array)) { foreach ($group_id_array as $group_id) { if (!isset($group_id_list[$group_id])) { $group_id_list[$group_id] = $group_id; } } } } } return $group_id_list; } /** * 获取所有在线分组的uid数量,也就是每个分组的在线用户数 * * @return array */ public static function getAllGroupUidCount() { $group_uid_map = static::getAllGroupUidList(); $group_uid_count_map = array(); foreach ($group_uid_map as $group_id => $uid_list) { $group_uid_count_map[$group_id] = count($uid_list); } return $group_uid_count_map; } /** * 获取所有分组uid在线列表 * * @return array */ public static function getAllGroupUidList() { $data = static::select(array('uid','groups')); $group_uid_map = array(); foreach ($data as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $items) { //$items = ['connection_id'=>['uid'=>x, 'group'=>[x,x..], 'session'=>[..]], 'client_id'=>[..], ..]; foreach ($items as $connection_id => $info) { if (empty($info['uid']) || empty($info['groups'])) { break; } $uid = $info['uid']; foreach ($info['groups'] as $group_id) { if(!isset($group_uid_map[$group_id])) { $group_uid_map[$group_id] = array(); } $group_uid_map[$group_id][$uid] = $uid; } } } } return $group_uid_map; } /** * 获取所有群组在线client_id列表 * * @return array */ public static function getAllGroupClientIdList() { $data = static::select(array('groups')); $group_client_id_map = array(); foreach ($data as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $items) { //$items = ['connection_id'=>['uid'=>x, 'group'=>[x,x..], 'session'=>[..]], 'client_id'=>[..], ..]; foreach ($items as $connection_id => $info) { if (empty($info['groups'])) { break; } $client_id = Context::addressToClientId($local_ip, $local_port, $connection_id); foreach ($info['groups'] as $group_id) { if(!isset($group_client_id_map[$group_id])) { $group_client_id_map[$group_id] = array(); } $group_client_id_map[$group_id][$client_id] = $client_id; } } } } return $group_client_id_map; } /** * 获取所有群组在线client_id数量,也就是获取每个群组在线连接数 * * @return array */ public static function getAllGroupClientIdCount() { $group_client_map = static::getAllGroupClientIdList(); $group_client_count_map = array(); foreach ($group_client_map as $group_id => $client_id_list) { $group_client_count_map[$group_id] = count($client_id_list); } return $group_client_count_map; } /** * 根据条件到gateway搜索数据 * * @param array $fields * @param array $where * @return array */ protected static function select($fields = array('session','uid','groups'), $where = array()) { $t = microtime(true); $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_SELECT; $gateway_data['ext_data'] = array('fields' => $fields, 'where' => $where); $gateway_data_list = array(); // 有client_id,能计算出需要和哪些gateway通讯,只和必要的gateway通讯能降低系统负载 if (isset($where['client_id'])) { $client_id_list = $where['client_id']; unset($gateway_data['ext_data']['where']['client_id']); $gateway_data['ext_data']['where']['connection_id'] = array(); foreach ($client_id_list as $client_id) { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); if (!$address_data) { continue; } $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; if (!isset($gateway_data_list[$address])) { $gateway_data_list[$address] = $gateway_data; } $gateway_data_list[$address]['ext_data']['where']['connection_id'][$address_data['connection_id']] = $address_data['connection_id']; } foreach ($gateway_data_list as $address => $item) { $gateway_data_list[$address]['ext_data'] = json_encode($item['ext_data']); } // 有其它条件,则还是需要向所有gateway发送 if (count($where) !== 1) { $gateway_data['ext_data'] = json_encode($gateway_data['ext_data']); foreach (static::getAllGatewayAddress() as $address) { if (!isset($gateway_data_list[$address])) { $gateway_data_list[$address] = $gateway_data; } } } $data = static::getBufferFromSomeGateway($gateway_data_list); } else { $gateway_data['ext_data'] = json_encode($gateway_data['ext_data']); $data = static::getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data); } return $data; } /** * 生成验证包,用于验证此客户端的合法性 * * @return string */ protected static function generateAuthBuffer() { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GATEWAY_CLIENT_CONNECT; $gateway_data['body'] = json_encode(array( 'secret_key' => static::$secretKey, )); return GatewayProtocol::encode($gateway_data); } /** * 批量向某些gateway发包,并得到返回数组 * * @param array $gateway_data_array * @return array * @throws Exception */ protected static function getBufferFromSomeGateway($gateway_data_array) { $gateway_buffer_array = array(); $auth_buffer = static::$secretKey ? static::generateAuthBuffer() : ''; foreach ($gateway_data_array as $address => $gateway_data) { if ($auth_buffer) { $gateway_buffer_array[$address] = $auth_buffer.GatewayProtocol::encode($gateway_data); } else { $gateway_buffer_array[$address] = GatewayProtocol::encode($gateway_data); } } return static::getBufferFromGateway($gateway_buffer_array); } /** * 批量向所有 gateway 发包,并得到返回数组 * * @param string $gateway_data * @return array * @throws Exception */ protected static function getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data) { $addresses = static::getAllGatewayAddress(); $gateway_buffer_array = array(); $gateway_buffer = GatewayProtocol::encode($gateway_data); $gateway_buffer = static::$secretKey ? static::generateAuthBuffer() . $gateway_buffer : $gateway_buffer; foreach ($addresses as $address) { $gateway_buffer_array[$address] = $gateway_buffer; } return static::getBufferFromGateway($gateway_buffer_array); } /** * 获取所有gateway内部通讯地址 * * @return array * @throws Exception */ protected static function getAllGatewayAddress() { if (isset(static::$businessWorker)) { $addresses = static::$businessWorker->getAllGatewayAddresses(); if (empty($addresses)) { throw new Exception('businessWorker::getAllGatewayAddresses return empty'); } } else { $addresses = static::getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister(); if (empty($addresses)) { return array(); } } return $addresses; } /** * 批量向gateway发送并获取数据 * @param $gateway_buffer_array * @return array */ protected static function getBufferFromGateway($gateway_buffer_array) { $client_array = $status_data = $client_address_map = $receive_buffer_array = $recv_length_array = array(); // 批量向所有gateway进程发送请求数据 foreach ($gateway_buffer_array as $address => $gateway_buffer) { $client = stream_socket_client("tcp://$address", $errno, $errmsg, static::$connectTimeout); if ($client && strlen($gateway_buffer) === stream_socket_sendto($client, $gateway_buffer)) { $socket_id = (int)$client; $client_array[$socket_id] = $client; $client_address_map[$socket_id] = explode(':', $address); $receive_buffer_array[$socket_id] = ''; } } // 超时5秒 $timeout = 5; $time_start = microtime(true); // 批量接收请求 while (count($client_array) > 0) { $write = $except = array(); $read = $client_array; if (@stream_select($read, $write, $except, $timeout)) { foreach ($read as $client) { $socket_id = (int)$client; $buffer = stream_socket_recvfrom($client, 65535); if ($buffer !== '' && $buffer !== false) { $receive_buffer_array[$socket_id] .= $buffer; $receive_length = strlen($receive_buffer_array[$socket_id]); if (empty($recv_length_array[$socket_id]) && $receive_length >= 4) { $recv_length_array[$socket_id] = current(unpack('N', $receive_buffer_array[$socket_id])); } if (!empty($recv_length_array[$socket_id]) && $receive_length >= $recv_length_array[$socket_id] + 4) { unset($client_array[$socket_id]); } } elseif (feof($client)) { unset($client_array[$socket_id]); } } } if (microtime(true) - $time_start > $timeout) { break; } } $format_buffer_array = array(); foreach ($receive_buffer_array as $socket_id => $buffer) { $local_ip = ip2long($client_address_map[$socket_id][0]); $local_port = $client_address_map[$socket_id][1]; $format_buffer_array[$local_ip][$local_port] = unserialize(substr($buffer, 4)); } return $format_buffer_array; } /** * 踢掉某个客户端,并以$message通知被踢掉客户端 * * @param int $client_id * @param string $message * @return void */ public static function closeClient($client_id, $message = null) { if ($client_id === Context::$client_id) { return static::closeCurrentClient($message); } // 不是发给当前用户则使用存储中的地址 else { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); if (!$address_data) { return false; } $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; return static::kickAddress($address, $address_data['connection_id'], $message); } } /** * 踢掉某个客户端并直接立即销毁相关连接 * * @param int $client_id * @return bool */ public static function destoryClient($client_id) { if ($client_id === Context::$client_id) { return static::destoryCurrentClient(); } // 不是发给当前用户则使用存储中的地址 else { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); if (!$address_data) { return false; } $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; return static::destroyAddress($address, $address_data['connection_id']); } } /** * 踢掉当前客户端并直接立即销毁相关连接 * * @return bool * @throws Exception */ public static function destoryCurrentClient() { if (!Context::$connection_id) { throw new Exception('destoryCurrentClient can not be called in async context'); } $address = long2ip(Context::$local_ip) . ':' . Context::$local_port; return static::destroyAddress($address, Context::$connection_id); } /** * 将 client_id 与 uid 绑定 * * @param int $client_id * @param int|string $uid * @return void */ public static function bindUid($client_id, $uid) { static::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_BIND_UID, '', $uid); } /** * 将 client_id 与 uid 解除绑定 * * @param int $client_id * @param int|string $uid * @return void */ public static function unbindUid($client_id, $uid) { static::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_UNBIND_UID, '', $uid); } /** * 将 client_id 加入组 * * @param int $client_id * @param int|string $group * @return void */ public static function joinGroup($client_id, $group) { static::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_JOIN_GROUP, '', $group); } /** * 将 client_id 离开组 * * @param int $client_id * @param int|string $group * * @return void */ public static function leaveGroup($client_id, $group) { static::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_LEAVE_GROUP, '', $group); } /** * 取消分组 * * @param int|string $group * * @return void */ public static function ungroup($group) { if (!static::isValidGroupId($group)) { return false; } $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_UNGROUP; $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $group; return static::sendToAllGateway($gateway_data); } /** * 向所有 uid 发送 * * @param int|string|array $uid * @param string $message * * @return void */ public static function sendToUid($uid, $message) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_SEND_TO_UID; $gateway_data['body'] = $message; if (!is_array($uid)) { $uid = array($uid); } $gateway_data['ext_data'] = json_encode($uid); static::sendToAllGateway($gateway_data); } /** * 向 group 发送 * * @param int|string|array $group 组(不允许是 0 '0' false null array()等为空的值) * @param string $message 消息 * @param array $exclude_client_id 不给这些client_id发 * @param bool $raw 发送原始数据(即不调用gateway的协议的encode方法) * * @return void */ public static function sendToGroup($group, $message, $exclude_client_id = null, $raw = false) { if (!static::isValidGroupId($group)) { return false; } $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_SEND_TO_GROUP; $gateway_data['body'] = $message; if ($raw) { $gateway_data['flag'] |= GatewayProtocol::FLAG_NOT_CALL_ENCODE; } if (!is_array($group)) { $group = array($group); } // 分组发送,没有排除的client_id,直接发送 $default_ext_data_buffer = json_encode(array('group'=> $group, 'exclude'=> null)); if (empty($exclude_client_id)) { $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $default_ext_data_buffer; return static::sendToAllGateway($gateway_data); } // 分组发送,有排除的client_id,需要将client_id转换成对应gateway进程内的connectionId if (!is_array($exclude_client_id)) { $exclude_client_id = array($exclude_client_id); } $address_connection_array = static::clientIdArrayToAddressArray($exclude_client_id); // 如果有businessWorker实例,说明运行在workerman环境中,通过businessWorker中的长连接发送数据 if (static::$businessWorker) { foreach (static::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections as $address => $gateway_connection) { $gateway_data['ext_data'] = isset($address_connection_array[$address]) ? json_encode(array('group'=> $group, 'exclude'=> $address_connection_array[$address])) : $default_ext_data_buffer; /** @var TcpConnection $gateway_connection */ $gateway_connection->send($gateway_data); } } // 运行在其它环境中,通过注册中心得到gateway地址 else { $addresses = static::getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister(); foreach ($addresses as $address) { $gateway_data['ext_data'] = isset($address_connection_array[$address]) ? json_encode(array('group'=> $group, 'exclude'=> $address_connection_array[$address])) : $default_ext_data_buffer; static::sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data); } } } /** * 更新 session,框架自动调用,开发者不要调用 * * @param int $client_id * @param string $session_str * @return bool */ public static function setSocketSession($client_id, $session_str) { return static::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_SET_SESSION, '', $session_str); } /** * 设置 session,原session值会被覆盖 * * @param int $client_id * @param array $session * * @return void */ public static function setSession($client_id, array $session) { if (Context::$client_id === $client_id) { $_SESSION = $session; Context::$old_session = $_SESSION; } static::setSocketSession($client_id, Context::sessionEncode($session)); } /** * 更新 session,实际上是与老的session合并 * * @param int $client_id * @param array $session * * @return void */ public static function updateSession($client_id, array $session) { if (Context::$client_id === $client_id) { $_SESSION = array_replace_recursive((array)$_SESSION, $session); Context::$old_session = $_SESSION; } static::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_UPDATE_SESSION, '', Context::sessionEncode($session)); } /** * 获取某个client_id的session * * @param int $client_id * @return mixed false表示出错、null表示用户不存在、array表示具体的session信息 */ public static function getSession($client_id) { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); if (!$address_data) { return false; } $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; if (isset(static::$businessWorker)) { if (!isset(static::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections[$address])) { return null; } } $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_SESSION_BY_CLIENT_ID; $gateway_data['connection_id'] = $address_data['connection_id']; return static::sendAndRecv($address, $gateway_data); } /** * 向某个用户网关发送命令和消息 * * @param int $client_id * @param int $cmd * @param string $message * @param string $ext_data * @return boolean */ protected static function sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, $cmd, $message, $ext_data = '') { // 如果是发给当前用户则直接获取上下文中的地址 if ($client_id === Context::$client_id || $client_id === null) { $address = long2ip(Context::$local_ip) . ':' . Context::$local_port; $connection_id = Context::$connection_id; } else { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); if (!$address_data) { return false; } $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; $connection_id = $address_data['connection_id']; } $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = $cmd; $gateway_data['connection_id'] = $connection_id; $gateway_data['body'] = $message; if (!empty($ext_data)) { $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $ext_data; } return static::sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data); } /** * 发送数据并返回 * * @param int $address * @param mixed $data * @return bool * @throws Exception */ protected static function sendAndRecv($address, $data) { $buffer = GatewayProtocol::encode($data); $buffer = static::$secretKey ? static::generateAuthBuffer() . $buffer : $buffer; $client = stream_socket_client("tcp://$address", $errno, $errmsg, static::$connectTimeout); if (!$client) { throw new Exception("can not connect to tcp://$address $errmsg"); } if (strlen($buffer) === stream_socket_sendto($client, $buffer)) { $timeout = 5; // 阻塞读 stream_set_blocking($client, 1); // 1秒超时 stream_set_timeout($client, 1); $all_buffer = ''; $time_start = microtime(true); $pack_len = 0; while (1) { $buf = stream_socket_recvfrom($client, 655350); if ($buf !== '' && $buf !== false) { $all_buffer .= $buf; } else { if (feof($client)) { throw new Exception("connection close tcp://$address"); } elseif (microtime(true) - $time_start > $timeout) { break; } continue; } $recv_len = strlen($all_buffer); if (!$pack_len && $recv_len >= 4) { $pack_len= current(unpack('N', $all_buffer)); } // 回复的数据都是以\n结尾 if (($pack_len && $recv_len >= $pack_len + 4) || microtime(true) - $time_start > $timeout) { break; } } // 返回结果 return unserialize(substr($all_buffer, 4)); } else { throw new Exception("sendAndRecv($address, \$bufer) fail ! Can not send data!", 502); } } /** * 发送数据到网关 * * @param string $address * @param array $gateway_data * @return bool */ protected static function sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data) { return static::sendBufferToGateway($address, GatewayProtocol::encode($gateway_data)); } /** * 发送buffer数据到网关 * @param string $address * @param string $gateway_buffer * @return bool */ protected static function sendBufferToGateway($address, $gateway_buffer) { // 有$businessWorker说明是workerman环境,使用$businessWorker发送数据 if (static::$businessWorker) { if (!isset(static::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections[$address])) { return false; } return static::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections[$address]->send($gateway_buffer, true); } // 非workerman环境 $gateway_buffer = static::$secretKey ? static::generateAuthBuffer() . $gateway_buffer : $gateway_buffer; $flag = static::$persistentConnection ? STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT | STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT : STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT; $client = stream_socket_client("tcp://$address", $errno, $errmsg, static::$connectTimeout, $flag); $a=strlen($gateway_buffer) == stream_socket_sendto($client, $gateway_buffer); return $a; } /** * 向所有 gateway 发送数据 * * @param string $gateway_data * @throws Exception * * @return void */ protected static function sendToAllGateway($gateway_data) { $buffer = GatewayProtocol::encode($gateway_data); // 如果有businessWorker实例,说明运行在workerman环境中,通过businessWorker中的长连接发送数据 if (static::$businessWorker) { foreach (static::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections as $gateway_connection) { /** @var TcpConnection $gateway_connection */ $gateway_connection->send($buffer, true); } } // 运行在其它环境中,通过注册中心得到gateway地址 else { $all_addresses = static::getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister(); foreach ($all_addresses as $address) { static::sendBufferToGateway($address, $buffer); } } } /** * 踢掉某个网关的 socket * * @param string $address * @param int $connection_id * @return bool */ protected static function kickAddress($address, $connection_id, $message) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_KICK; $gateway_data['connection_id'] = $connection_id; $gateway_data['body'] = $message; return static::sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data); } /** * 销毁某个网关的 socket * * @param string $address * @param int $connection_id * @return bool */ protected static function destroyAddress($address, $connection_id) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_DESTROY; $gateway_data['connection_id'] = $connection_id; return static::sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data); } /** * 将clientid数组转换成address数组 * * @param array $client_id_array * @return array */ protected static function clientIdArrayToAddressArray(array $client_id_array) { $address_connection_array = array(); foreach ($client_id_array as $client_id) { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); if ($address_data) { $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; $address_connection_array[$address][$address_data['connection_id']] = $address_data['connection_id']; } } return $address_connection_array; } /** * 设置 gateway 实例 * * @param \GatewayWorker\BusinessWorker $business_worker_instance */ public static function setBusinessWorker($business_worker_instance) { static::$businessWorker = $business_worker_instance; } /** * 获取通过注册中心获取所有 gateway 通讯地址 * * @return array * @throws Exception */ protected static function getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister() { static $addresses_cache, $last_update; $time_now = time(); $expiration_time = 1; $register_addresses = (array)static::$registerAddress; if(empty($addresses_cache) || $time_now - $last_update > $expiration_time) { foreach ($register_addresses as $register_address) { set_error_handler(function(){}); $client = stream_socket_client('tcp://' . $register_address, $errno, $errmsg, static::$connectTimeout); restore_error_handler(); if ($client) { break; } } if (!$client) { throw new Exception('Can not connect to tcp://' . $register_address . ' ' . $errmsg); } fwrite($client, '{"event":"worker_connect","secret_key":"' . static::$secretKey . '"}' . "\n"); stream_set_timeout($client, 5); $ret = fgets($client, 655350); if (!$ret || !$data = json_decode(trim($ret), true)) { throw new Exception('getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister fail. tcp://' . $register_address . ' return ' . var_export($ret, true)); } $last_update = $time_now; $addresses_cache = $data['addresses']; } if (!$addresses_cache) { throw new Exception('Gateway::getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister() with registerAddress:' . json_encode(static::$registerAddress) . ' return ' . var_export($addresses_cache, true)); } return $addresses_cache; } /** * 检查群组id是否合法 * * @param $group * @return bool */ protected static function isValidGroupId($group) { if (empty($group)) { echo new \Exception('group('.var_export($group, true).') empty'); return false; } return true; } } /** * 上下文 包含当前用户uid, 内部通信local_ip local_port socket_id ,以及客户端client_ip client_port */ class Context { /** * 内部通讯id * @var string */ public static $local_ip; /** * 内部通讯端口 * @var int */ public static $local_port; /** * 客户端ip * @var string */ public static $client_ip; /** * 客户端端口 * @var int */ public static $client_port; /** * client_id * @var string */ public static $client_id; /** * 连接connection->id * @var int */ public static $connection_id; /** * 旧的session * * @var string */ public static $old_session; /** * 编码session * @param mixed $session_data * @return string */ public static function sessionEncode($session_data = '') { if($session_data !== '') { return serialize($session_data); } return ''; } /** * 解码session * @param string $session_buffer * @return mixed */ public static function sessionDecode($session_buffer) { return unserialize($session_buffer); } /** * 清除上下文 * @return void */ public static function clear() { static::$local_ip = static::$local_port = static::$client_ip = static::$client_port = static::$client_id = static::$connection_id = static::$old_session = null; } /** * 通讯地址到client_id的转换 * @return string */ public static function addressToClientId($local_ip, $local_port, $connection_id) { return bin2hex(pack('NnN', $local_ip, $local_port, $connection_id)); } /** * client_id到通讯地址的转换 * @return array */ public static function clientIdToAddress($client_id) { if(strlen($client_id) !== 20) { throw new \Exception("client_id $client_id is invalid"); } return unpack('Nlocal_ip/nlocal_port/Nconnection_id' ,pack('H*', $client_id)); } } /** * Gateway 与 Worker 间通讯的二进制协议 * * struct GatewayProtocol * { * unsigned int pack_len, * unsigned char cmd,//命令字 * unsigned int local_ip, * unsigned short local_port, * unsigned int client_ip, * unsigned short client_port, * unsigned int connection_id, * unsigned char flag, * unsigned short gateway_port, * unsigned int ext_len, * char[ext_len] ext_data, * char[pack_length-HEAD_LEN] body//包体 * } * NCNnNnNCnN */ class GatewayProtocol { // 发给worker,gateway有一个新的连接 const CMD_ON_CONNECT = 1; // 发给worker的,客户端有消息 const CMD_ON_MESSAGE = 3; // 发给worker上的关闭链接事件 const CMD_ON_CLOSE = 4; // 发给gateway的向单个用户发送数据 const CMD_SEND_TO_ONE = 5; // 发给gateway的向所有用户发送数据 const CMD_SEND_TO_ALL = 6; // 发给gateway的踢出用户 // 1、如果有待发消息,将在发送完后立即销毁用户连接 // 2、如果无待发消息,将立即销毁用户连接 const CMD_KICK = 7; // 发给gateway的立即销毁用户连接 const CMD_DESTROY = 8; // 发给gateway,通知用户session更新 const CMD_UPDATE_SESSION = 9; // 获取在线状态 const CMD_GET_ALL_CLIENT_SESSIONS = 10; // 判断是否在线 const CMD_IS_ONLINE = 11; // client_id绑定到uid const CMD_BIND_UID = 12; // 解绑 const CMD_UNBIND_UID = 13; // 向uid发送数据 const CMD_SEND_TO_UID = 14; // 根据uid获取绑定的clientid const CMD_GET_CLIENT_ID_BY_UID = 15; // 加入组 const CMD_JOIN_GROUP = 20; // 离开组 const CMD_LEAVE_GROUP = 21; // 向组成员发消息 const CMD_SEND_TO_GROUP = 22; // 获取组成员 const CMD_GET_CLIENT_SESSIONS_BY_GROUP = 23; // 获取组在线连接数 const CMD_GET_CLIENT_COUNT_BY_GROUP = 24; // 按照条件查找 const CMD_SELECT = 25; // 获取在线的群组ID const CMD_GET_GROUP_ID_LIST = 26; // 取消分组 const CMD_UNGROUP = 27; // worker连接gateway事件 const CMD_WORKER_CONNECT = 200; // 心跳 const CMD_PING = 201; // GatewayClient连接gateway事件 const CMD_GATEWAY_CLIENT_CONNECT = 202; // 根据client_id获取session const CMD_GET_SESSION_BY_CLIENT_ID = 203; // 发给gateway,覆盖session const CMD_SET_SESSION = 204; // 当websocket握手时触发,只有websocket协议支持此命令字 const CMD_ON_WEBSOCKET_CONNECT = 205; // 包体是标量 const FLAG_BODY_IS_SCALAR = 0x01; // 通知gateway在send时不调用协议encode方法,在广播组播时提升性能 const FLAG_NOT_CALL_ENCODE = 0x02; /** * 包头长度 * * @var int */ const HEAD_LEN = 28; public static $empty = array( 'cmd' => 0, 'local_ip' => 0, 'local_port' => 0, 'client_ip' => 0, 'client_port' => 0, 'connection_id' => 0, 'flag' => 0, 'gateway_port' => 0, 'ext_data' => '', 'body' => '', ); /** * 返回包长度 * * @param string $buffer * @return int return current package length */ public static function input($buffer) { if (strlen($buffer) < self::HEAD_LEN) { return 0; } $data = unpack("Npack_len", $buffer); return $data['pack_len']; } /** * 获取整个包的 buffer * * @param mixed $data * @return string */ public static function encode($data) { $flag = (int)is_scalar($data['body']); if (!$flag) { $data['body'] = serialize($data['body']); } $data['flag'] |= $flag; $ext_len = strlen($data['ext_data']); $package_len = self::HEAD_LEN + $ext_len + strlen($data['body']); return pack("NCNnNnNCnN", $package_len, $data['cmd'], $data['local_ip'], $data['local_port'], $data['client_ip'], $data['client_port'], $data['connection_id'], $data['flag'], $data['gateway_port'], $ext_len) . $data['ext_data'] . $data['body']; } /** * 从二进制数据转换为数组 * * @param string $buffer * @return array */ public static function decode($buffer) { $data = unpack("Npack_len/Ccmd/Nlocal_ip/nlocal_port/Nclient_ip/nclient_port/Nconnection_id/Cflag/ngateway_port/Next_len", $buffer); if ($data['ext_len'] > 0) { $data['ext_data'] = substr($buffer, self::HEAD_LEN, $data['ext_len']); if ($data['flag'] & self::FLAG_BODY_IS_SCALAR) { $data['body'] = substr($buffer, self::HEAD_LEN + $data['ext_len']); } else { $data['body'] = unserialize(substr($buffer, self::HEAD_LEN + $data['ext_len'])); } } else { $data['ext_data'] = ''; if ($data['flag'] & self::FLAG_BODY_IS_SCALAR) { $data['body'] = substr($buffer, self::HEAD_LEN); } else { $data['body'] = unserialize(substr($buffer, self::HEAD_LEN)); } } return $data; } }