<?php /** * 店铺分类分佣比例 * */ namespace app\common\model; use think\facade\Db; /** * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * 数据层模型 */ class Storebindclass extends BaseModel { /** * 读取列表 * @access public * @author csdeshang * @param array $condition 条件 * @param int $pagesize 分页 * @param string $order 排序 * @param string $field 字段 * @return array */ public function getStorebindclassList($condition, $pagesize = '', $order = '', $field = '*') { if ($pagesize) { $result = Db::name('storebindclass')->field($field)->where($condition)->order($order)->paginate(['list_rows' => $pagesize, 'query' => request()->param()], false); $this->page_info = $result; return $result->items(); } else { $result = Db::name('storebindclass')->field($field)->where($condition)->order($order)->select()->toArray(); return $result; } } /** * 读取单条记录 * @access public * @author csdeshang * @param type $condition 条件 * @return type */ public function getStorebindclassInfo($condition) { $result = Db::name('storebindclass')->where($condition)->find(); return $result; } /** * 增加 * @access public * @author csdeshang * @param array $data 数据 * @return bool */ public function addStorebindclass($data) { return Db::name('storebindclass')->insertGetId($data); } /** * 增加 * @access public * @author csdeshang * @param type $data 数据 * @return type */ public function addStorebindclassAll($data) { return Db::name('storebindclass')->insertAll($data); } /** * 更新 * @access public * @author csdeshang * @param type $update 更新数据 * @param type $condition 条件 * @return type */ public function editStorebindclass($update, $condition) { return Db::name('storebindclass')->where($condition)->update($update); } /** * 删除 * @access public * @author csdeshang * @param array $condition 条件 * @return bool */ public function delStorebindclass($condition) { return Db::name('storebindclass')->where($condition)->delete(); } /** * 总数量 * @access public * @author csdeshang * @param array $condition 条件 * @return int */ public function getStorebindclassCount($condition = array()) { return Db::name('storebindclass')->where($condition)->count(); } /** * 取得店铺下商品分类佣金比例 * @access public * @author csdeshang * @param array $goods_list 商品列表 * @return array */ public function getStoreGcidCommisRateList($goods_list) { if (empty($goods_list) || !is_array($goods_list)) return array(); // 获取绑定所有类目的自营店 $own_shop_ids = model('store')->getOwnShopIds(true); //定义返回数组 $store_gc_id_commis_rate = array(); //取得每个店铺下有哪些商品分类 $store_gc_id_list = array(); foreach ($goods_list as $goods) { if (!intval($goods['gc_id'])) continue; if (empty($store_gc_id_list) || empty($store_gc_id_list[$goods['store_id']]) || !in_array($goods['gc_id'], $store_gc_id_list[$goods['store_id']])) { $store_gc_id_list[$goods['store_id']][] = $goods; } } if (empty($store_gc_id_list)) return $store_gc_id_commis_rate; $store_bind_class_list = array(); foreach ($store_gc_id_list as $store_id => $gc_id_list) { foreach ($gc_id_list as $gc_id) { $key = $gc_id['gc_id_1'] . '|' . $gc_id['gc_id_2'] . '|' . $gc_id['gc_id_3']; if (!isset($store_bind_class_list[$key])) { //如果class_1,2,3有一个字段值匹配,就有效 $condition = array(); $condition[] = array('store_id', '=', $store_id); $condition[] = Db::raw('(class_1=0 AND class_2=0 AND class_3=0) OR (class_1=' . $gc_id['gc_id_1'] . ' AND class_2=0 AND class_3=0) OR (class_1=' . $gc_id['gc_id_1'] . ' AND class_2=' . $gc_id['gc_id_2'] . ' AND class_3=0) OR (class_1=' . $gc_id['gc_id_1'] . ' AND class_2=' . $gc_id['gc_id_2'] . ' AND class_3=' . $gc_id['gc_id_3'] . ')'); $bind_list = $this->getStorebindclassList($condition, 1, 'class_3 desc,class_2 desc,class_1 desc'); if (!empty($bind_list) && is_array($bind_list)) { $store_bind_class_list[$key] = $bind_list[0]; } else { $store_bind_class_list[$key] = false; } } if ($store_bind_class_list[$key]) { $store_gc_id_commis_rate[$store_id][$gc_id['gc_id']] = $store_bind_class_list[$key]['commis_rate']; } } } return $store_gc_id_commis_rate; } }